Fig. 3. Longitudinal monitoring of serial plasma samples.
Longitudinal monitoring of serial plasma samples from 17 patients, indicating when ctDNA was detected (red circle) or not detected (black circle) and whether the patient subsequently relapsed (inverted yellow triangle). ctDNA was detected in all pre-operative time points (purple square). The black dashed line extends across the x axis to the last clinical visit to date to indicate the total duration of follow-up for each patient. Patients were followed up for a median duration of 371 days (292–532 days) in the overall cohort, excluding one patient lost to follow-up (patient 12) and four deceased patients (2, 9, 13 and 14). Clinical or CT-morphological evidence of disease recurrence was not observed at the time of last follow-up visit in 12/17 cases profiled. The solid blue line indicates the lead time which is the interval between the first ctDNA-positive post-surgery sample and clinical confirmation of disease recurrence.