Fig. 2. Snf7 adsorption and polymerization has no curvature preference.
HS-AFM images (Supplementary Movie 2) showing the polymerization of Snf7 on an undulated (concave-convex) nanopatterned support covered with a SLB: Raw data HS-AFM frames (a), merged support-channel (green) and Snf7 protein-channel (magenta) (b), separate Snf7 protein-channel (magenta) (c) and binarized protein-channel (d). Left: Substrate height (e), slope (f), and curvature (g) maps calculated from the support-channel. Middle: Binned histograms of height (e), slope (f) and curvature (g), respectively, with bin area proportional to the number of pixels of a given characteristic. Right: Unbinned occupancy of individual pixels by Snf7 (d) as a function of time (horizontal axis) and sorted by surface characteristic height (e), slope (f) and curvature (g). Each row represents an individual pixel, and each column represents a timepoint. h Schematic of spherical cap fitting procedure for surface curvature calculation. A sphere is fit to a ring of pixels with a user-defined radius (r, in this case, 15 pixels) from the central pixel. The radius of the fitted sphere (Rc) is determined from the ring radius (r) and the difference (z) between the mean height value of the pixels within the ring (green dot) and the height of the central pixel (magenta dot). The example shown in h corresponds to the outline in e. i Snf7 surface occupancy as a function of time, shown as percentage of the total frame pixel number. j HS-AFM visualization of spiral growth: the filament grows at the spiral periphery (Supplementary Movie 3). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.