Fig. 2. Topological and spatial organization of the cephalopod genome.
a Top: Hi-C normalized interaction matrix at 100 kb resolution for chromosomal scaffold 10. Bottom: Relative Hi-C count and TAD boundary scores as predicted by tadbit (1 = lowest, 10 = highest). b Violin plot of TAD size distributions for human and Euprymna scolopes computed at 100 kb resolution, plotted in 100 kb bins. c CTCF binding motif as identified by homer motif search in 100 kbp of predicted TAD boundaries. d Solvent area surface exposure (SASA) per bp for individual chromosomal scaffolds (observed and random). Conserved metazoan synteny on x-axis, cephalopod-specific microsynteny on y-axis. e Three-dimensional model of chromosomal scaffold 10 with novel (blue) and conserved (yellow) microsynteny locations labeled. Left and right models are the same, shifted by 90°.