Fig. 6. Clinically relevant chemosensitivity of PDPCOs with validation in in vivo xenograft models.
a AUCs of 5 chemotherapeutic agents in 39 exocrine PDPCOs (38 CAS-DACs and 1 CAS-IPMN). With respect to each chemotherapeutic agent, the 39 PDPCOs were divided equally into sensitive (blue, AUC lowest 1st-13th), intermediate (yellow, AUC lowest 14th–26th) and resistant (red, AUC lowest 27th–39th) groups. The gray dot indicated CAS-DAC-14. b Diagram of the clinical analysis workflow. c Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showing the recurrence-free survival outcomes of the patients corresponding to the 39 PDPCOs. P value is determined by using log-rank test. Based on the consistency between the clinical adjuvant chemotherapy regimen and chemosensitivity of the matched organoid, three groups were identified: sensitive (n = 10), intermediate (n = 13) and resistant (n = 8). d Representative radiation examination of both the surgical area and liver in the sensitive group (CAS-DAC-24, CE-CT), intermediate group (CAS-DAC-20, CE-MRI), and resistant group (CAS-DAC-22, CE-MRI) at the time of diagnosis and six months post-surgery. Yellow arrow, primary tumor; Blue arrow, hepatic cyst; Red arrow, metastasis. e Drug test of ODX-18 with GEM (n=6), using Vehicle as a control (n=6). Data are presented as mean values + SEM. Statistical Significance was computed by two-sided unpaired t test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. f Drug test of ODX-20 with GEM (n = 6) and 5-FU (n = 6), using Vehicle as a control (n = 6). Data are presented as mean values + SEM. Statistical Significance was computed by two-sided unpaired t test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. g Drug test of ODX-36 with GEM (n = 6), 5-FU (n = 6) and PTX (n = 6), using Vehicle as a control (n=6). Data are presented as mean values + SEM. Statistical Significance was computed by two-sided unpaired t test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Statistical analysis, ns P ≥ 0.05,*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. PDPCO, patient-derived pancreatic cancer organoid; AUC, area under curve; GEM, gemcitabine; 5-FU, 5-fluorouracil; PTX, paclitaxel; OXA, oxaliplatin; IRI, irinotecan; CE-CT: contrast-enhanced computed tomography; CE-MRI: contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.