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. 2022 Apr 13;39(8):575–582. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2022-212378

Table 1.

Characteristics of people eligible for the CO@h programme from 1 October 2020 to 3 May 2021, before and after implementation at each site

Total Pre-implementation Post-implementation P value for difference
Number Percentage (%) Number Percentage (%) Number Percentage (%)
Age category (years) and clinically extremely vulnerable status
18–49 and CEV 48 502 22.3 15 364 20.5 33 138 23.2
50–64 and CEV 31 538 14.5 10 319 13.8 21 219 14.9
65–79 and not CEV 100 582 46.2 36 401 48.6 64 181 45.0 <0.001
65–79 and CEV 15 736 7.2 5726 7.6 10 010 7.0
80+ and not CEV 14 145 6.5 4875 6.5 9270 6.5
80+ and CEV 7147 3.3 2215 3.0 4932 3.5
Female 118 311 54.4 39 701 53.0 78 610 55.1
Male 95 655 43.9 33 896 45.3 61 759 43.3 <0.001
Missing 3684 1.7 1303 1.7 2381 1.7
White 157 815 72.5 58 112 77.6 99 703 69.8
Asian/Asian British 36 482 16.8 10 725 14.3 25 757 18.0
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 8386 3.9 1631 2.2 6755 4.7 <0.001
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups 2550 1.2 685 0.9 1865 1.3
Other ethnic group 4548 2.1 1076 1.4 3472 2.4
Missing 7869 3.6 2671 3.6 5198 3.6
Index of multiple deprivation decile
1 (most deprived) 28 245 13.0 11 697 15.6 16 548 11.6
2 27 425 12.6 9207 12.3 18 218 12.8
3 25 417 11.7 8038 10.7 17 379 12.2
4 22 911 10.5 7233 9.7 15 678 11.0 <0.001
5 21 104 9.7 6884 9.2 14 220 10.0
6 20 075 9.2 6510 8.7 13 565 9.5
7 19 413 8.9 6691 8.9 12 722 8.9
8 19 030 8.7 6839 9.1 12 191 8.5
9 18 235 8.4 6380 8.5 11 855 8.3
10 (least deprived) 15 746 7.2 5409 7.2 10 337 7.2
Missing 49 0.0 12 0.0 37 0.0
Body mass index
Underweight 2370 1.1 724 1.0 1646 1.2
Healthy weight 45 180 20.8 15 181 20.3 29 999 21.0
Overweight 73 239 33.6 25 648 34.2 47 591 33.3 <0.001
Obese 85 834 39.4 29 770 39.7 56 064 39.3
Missing 11 027 5.1 3577 4.8 7450 5.2
Smoking status
Never smoker 119 431 54.9 39 901 53.3 79 530 55.7
Ex-smoker 66 438 30.5 24 770 33.1 41 668 29.2 <0.001
Current smoker 27 714 12.7 8862 11.8 18 852 13.2
Missing 4067 1.9 1367 1.8 2700 1.9
Hypertension 88 358 40.6 30 548 40.8 57 810 40.5 0.194
Chronic cardiac disease 35 300 16.2 12 482 16.7 22 818 16.0 <0.001
Chronic kidney disease 3346 1.5 1070 1.4 2276 1.6 0.003
Chronic respiratory disease 63 790 29.3 22 514 30.1 41 276 28.9 <0.001
Dementia 2763 1.3 790 1.1 1973 1.4 <0.001
Diabetes 68 444 31.4 21 558 28.8 46 886 32.8 <0.001
Chronic neurological disease (including epilepsy) 9330 4.3 3004 4.0 6326 4.4 <0.001
Learning disability 1496 0.7 459 0.6 1037 0.7 0.002
Malignancy or immunosuppression 44 757 20.6 15 553 20.8 29 204 20.5 0.092
Severe mental illness 4424 2.0 1358 1.8 3066 2.1 <0.001
Peripheral vascular disease 3645 1.7 1381 1.8 2264 1.6 <0.001
Stroke or transient ischaemic attack 10 834 5.0 3680 4.9 7154 5.0 0.316
Deaths within 28 days of positive COVID-19 test 5616 2.6 1476 2.0 4140 2.9 <0.001
Patients with at least one ED attendance within 28 days of positive COVID-19 test 43 250 19.9 9965 13.3 24 285 17.0 <0.001
Patients with at least one emergency admission within 28 days of positive COVID-19 test 26 529 12.2 7539 10.1 18 990 13.3 <0.001
Critical care use of those admitted 4275 16.1 1248 16.6 3027 15.9 0.220
Total 217 650 74 900 34.4 142 750 65.6

CEV, clinically extremely vulnerable; CO@h, COVID Oximetry @home.