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. 2022 Apr 8;10:858482. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.858482

Table 4.

Fit indices of the random intercept cross-lagged models.

Anxiety and PSMU Depression and PSMU Anxiety and PG Depression and PG
χ2 (df) 0.017 (4) 11.915 (4) 12.930 (4) 6.327 (4)
CFI 0.999 0.998 0.999 0.999
TLI 0.999 0.993 0.978 0.994
RMSEA 0.000 0.031 0.021 0.030
SRMR 0.002 0.030 0.011 0.012

PSMU, problematic social media use assessed using the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale; PG, problematic gaming assessed using the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form; anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.

CFI, comparative fit index; TLI, Tucker-Lewis index; RMSEA, root mean square error of approximation; SRMR, standardized root mean square residual.

Anxiety and PSMU model shown in Figure 1; Depression and PSMU model shown in Figure 2; Anxiety and PG model shown in Figure 3; Depression and PG model shown in Figure 4.