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. 2022 Apr 8;11(8):1260. doi: 10.3390/cells11081260

Table 1.

Updated list of NR2F1 variants and clinical description of BBSOAS reported patients. BBSOAS patients, identified by their protein variant and—when available—by their LOVD identifier, are listed following the chronological order of reports and publications describing their cases. Main clinical signs include altered brain morphology as observed by MRI, developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability (ID), visual system deficits, early-onset epilepsy and seizures (EOE/S), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and behavioral abnormalities and hypotonia. The severity index of each patient has been calculated based on the presence/absence of the main clinical signs, ranging from 1 (one symptom category only found in the patient) to a maximum of 7 (all listed clinical signs are present, to different extent, in the same patient). An extended version of these data, with additional columns describing other less common clinical features, is available in Supplementary Table S1. List of references: AK13, Al-Kateb et al., 2013; BA19, Balciuniene et al., 2019; BE18, Bertacchi et al., 2018; BE20, Bertacchi et al., 2020; BR09, Brown et al., 2009; CA09, Cardoso et al., 2009; BO14, Bosch et al., 2014; BO20, Bojanek et al., 2020; CH16, Chen et al., 2016; DI16, Dimassi et al., 2016; EL17, Eldomery et al., 2017; GA21, Gazdagh et al., 2021; HF15, Hino-Fukuyo et al., 2015; HF17, Hino-Fukuyo et al., 2017; HO20, Hobbs et al., 2020; JS20, Jezela-Stanek et al., 2020; JU21, Jurkute, Bertacchi et al., 2021; KA17, Kaiwar et al., 2017; MH18, Martín-Hernández et al., 2018; MI14, Michaud et al., 2014; MI20, Mio et al., 2020; PA19, Park et al., 2019; SA13, Sanders et al., 2013; ST20, Starosta et al., 2020; RE20, Rech et al., 2020; RO20, Rochtus et al., 2020; VI17, Vissers et al., 2017; WA20 Walsh et al., 2020; ZO20, Zou et al., 2020. Abbreviations: CB, cerebellum; CC, corpus callosum; CS, corticospinal tract; D, deletion; DBD, DNA binding domain; DD, developmental delay; DM, delayed myelination; DMD, delayed motor development/poor coordination; DQ, developmental quotient; EOE/S, early-onset epilepsy/seizures; FI/NFI, frameshifting indel/non frameshifting indel; FS, febrile seizures; GCL, ganglionic cell layer; GVI, general visual impairments; HP, hippocampus; HPM, hippocampal malrotation; ID, intellectual disability; IQ, intelligence quotient; IS, infantile spasms; LBD, ligand binding domain; LV, lateral ventricle; LVA, low visual acuity; MCP, macrocephaly; MD, microdeletion; MM, missense mutation; OA, optic atrophy; OC, optic chiasm; OCB/RB, obsessive-compulsive/repetitive behaviors; OD, optic disc; ON, optic nerve; ONH, ON hypoplasia; P/SOD, pale/small optic disc; PDD-NOS, pervasive developmental disorder—not otherwise specified; PH, bilateral periventricular heterotopia; RB, repetitive behavior; RNFL, retinal nerve fiber layer; TIV, translation initiation variants; WGD, whole-gene deletion; WM, white matter. For the extended report, please refer to Supplementary Table S1.

References LOVD Database ID; Patient ID Variant Type Variant (Protein) MRI (General; Optic Nerve and Cortical Morphology) DD ID Visual System Defect(s) and Visual Deficit EOE/S ASD Behavioral Abnormalities Hypotonia Severity Index
BR09 BE18, #1 De novo deletion (400–500 Kb MD at breakpoints following paracentric inversion) Deleted Cranial nerve abnormalities Yes ND ND ND ND Yes 3
CA09 BE18, #2 De novo deletion Deleted PH Yes Yes; speech delay Coloboma FS ND Yes 6
CA09 BE18, #3 De novo deletion Deleted PH Yes Yes; speech delay ND IS ND ND 4
CA09 BE18, #4 De novo deletion Deleted PH; HPM; MCP; polymicrogyria Yes Yes; speech delay ND Yes ND Yes 5
AK13 BE18, #5; RE20, #27 De novo deletion (582 Kb) Deleted; (del. includes FLJ42709, FAM172A, POU5F2, and MIR2277) OA (small OC) Yes, DMD No but speech delay OA; GVI No ADHD Yes 6
SA13 BE18, #6; RE20, #53 De novo MM in LBD p.Arg404His ND ND ND ND ND ASD ND 1
BO14 LOVD: NR2F1_000001; BO14, #2; BE18, #8; RE20, #13 De novo MM in DBD p.Ser113Arg OA (small OD and OC) Yes No or ND OA; P/SOD; CVI; GVI ND ND Yes 4
BO14 LOVD: NR2F1_000002; BO14, #1; BE18, #7; RE20, #14 De novo MM in DBD p.Arg115Pro normal No Yes (IQ 48) OA; P/SOD; small ON; CVI; GVI ND ND ND 2
BO14 LOVD: NR2F1_000003; BO14, #3; BE18, #9; RE20, #48 De novo MM in LBD p.Leu252Pro ND Yes Yes (IQ 55–65) P/SOD; CVI; GVI ND ND Yes 4
BO14 BO14, #4; BE18, #10; RE20, #28 Deletion (0.83 Mb) Deleted; (del. includes FAM172A, KIAA0825) ND No Mild (IQ 61–74) P/SOD; CVI; GVI ND ND ND 2
BO14 BO14, #5; BE18, #11; RE20, #24 De novo deletion (2.83 Mb) Deleted; (del. includes FAM172A, KIAA0825, ANKRD31) Normal or ND Yes No (IQ ND) P/SOD; small ON; CVI; GVI ND ND ND 2
BO14 LOVD: NR2F1_000004; BO14, #6; CH16, #12; RE20, #12 De novo MM in DBD p.Arg112Lys Normal or ND Yes Yes (IQ 52) OA; P/SOD; mild GVI ND ASD; OCD ND 4
HF15; HF17 LOVD: NR2F1_000018; CH16, #14; RE20, #18 De novo MM in DBD p.Arg135Cys Normal or ND Yes, DMD Yes (DQ < 20); speech delay; non-verbal Bilateral OA West Syndrome; IS and FS; generalized tonic seizures ASD traits ND 5
DI16 LOVD: NR2F1_000057; CH16, #15; RE20, #11 De novo in-frame deletion in DBD p.Phe110del CC thinning; LV asymmetry; septum pellucidum agenesis; abnormal gyration Yes Severe; non-verbal No or ND West Syndrome; spasms at 3 mo; IS; hypsarrythmic EEG; electroclinical spasms ASD Global 6
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000041; CH16, #1; BE18, #16; RE20, #16 De novo MM in DBD p.Cys128Arg CC thinning; WM reduction; leukodystrophy Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; GVI Epilepsy with staring spells and generalized tonic-clonic seizures ASD; self-injurious behavior; head-banging Yes 7
MI14; CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000075; CH16, #2; BE18, #17; RE20, #17 De novo MM in DBD p.Arg135Ser CC thinning; WM reduction; ON malformation and OC bilateral hypoplasia Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay Mild OA; ONH; CVI; GVI IS; Occipital lobe epilepsy ASD; head-banging Profound, axial and appendicular 7
CH16; EL17 LOVD: NR2F1_000007; CH16, #3; BE18, #18; RE20, #19 De novo MM in DBD p.Cys138Tyr WM reduction Global Yes OA; GVI FS; Abnormal EEG during sleep ASD; RB (persistent head-banging) No 6
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000058; CH16, #4; BE18, #19; RE20, #21 De novo MM in DBD p.Arg142Leu CC thinning at 7 mo Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; P/SOD; small ON; CVI; GVI IS; atonic seizures with markedly abnormal EEG ND Yes 6
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000010; CH16, #5; BE18 #20; RE20 #22 De novo MM in DBD p.Cys146Arg CC thinning and septo-optic dysplasia Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; GVI No ASD traits; RB (self-stimulatory behaviors) Yes 6
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000024; CH16, #6; BE18, #21; RE20, #47; De novo MM in DBD p.Ala155Thr Normal or ND No Mild speech delay (pronunciation; dysarthria) No or ND No NO or ND Yes 2
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000078; CH16, #7; BE18, #22; RE20, #51 De novo MM in LBD p.Gly368Asp Normal or ND Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech delay No or ND First generalized seizure at 18 yo ASD; RB; aggressive behavior No 4
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000057; CH16, #8; BE18, #23; RE20, #10 De novo in-frame deletion in DBD p.Phe110del CC thinning Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; ONH; CVI; GVI IS No or ND Yes 6
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000053; CH16, #9; CH16, #24; RE20, #40 De novo frameshift truncation p.Gly35Argfs*361 Normal or ND Yes, DMD Yes (IQ 55–69; verbal IQ 35–40 at 16 yo); speech delay OA; P/SOD; CVI; GVI Few seizures at 3–4 yo ASD; RB including PDD-NOS at 22 yo; ADHD Yes 6
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000055; CH16, #10; BE18, #25; RE20, #41 De novo frameshift truncation p.His97Hisfs*22 ND Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech delay OA; ONH; GVI No ASD; OCB/RB; ADHD Yes 5
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000052; CH16, #11; BE18, #26; RE20, #36 De novo TIV p? Normal or ND Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; ONH; GVI No ASD; RB (head banging) Yes 5
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000052; CH16, #12; BE18, #27; #37 in RE20, #37 De novo TIV p? CC thinning; ONH Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; ONH; P/SOD; CVI; GVI Yes ASD traits Yes 7
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000048; CH16, #13; BE18, #28; RE20, #35 De novo TIV p.M1? ND Yes, DMD Yes (FSIQ in the 40 s); speech delay OA; ONH; CVI; GVI No ASD; head banging Substantial, central 5
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000048; CH16, #14; BE18, #29; RE20, #38 De novo TIV p.M1? CC and CS thinning; pyramidal decussation agenesis; right vs. left fiber directionality asymmetry Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; coloboma; ONH; GVI Seizure at 3 yo, complex partial, left parietal OCB (hand stereotypes); ADHD Yes 7
CH16 LOVD: NR2F1_000042; CH16, #15; BE18, #30; RE20, #39 De novo TIV p? Cerebral malformations; bilateral HPM Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; GVI Tonic-clonic seizures at 13 and 18 yo OCB Yes 7
CH16 CH16, #16; BE18, #31; RE20, #29 De novo deletion (0.2 Mb) Deleted; (del. includes FAM172A, partial) ND Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay OA; P/SOD; pigmented maculae; GVI No ADHD Yes 5
CH16 CH16, #17; BE18, #32; RE20, #31 Deletion (0.9 Mb) Deleted; (del. includes FAM172A; KIAA0825, partial) ND Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech delay OA; P/SOD; GVI No ASD; ADHD No 4
CH16 CH16, #18; BE18, #33; RE20, #32 Parental (son of CH16, #17), deletion (0.9 Mb) Deleted CC agenesis; DM of the EC and IC anterior limb; focal abnormality of the right CB Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay OA; P/SOD; GVI No ASD traits; ADHD Axial 6
CH16 CH16, #19; BE18, #34; RE20, #30 Deletion (1.2 Mb) Deleted; (del. Includes FAM172A, KIAA0825, ANKRD31) ND Yes Yes (verbal IQ 96; non-verbal IQ 70) OA; GVI No ASD; PDD-NOS No 4
CH16 CH16, #20; BE18, #35; RE20, #23 Deletion (5.0 Mb) Deleted; (del. Includes FAM172A, KIAA0825, ANKRD32, MCTP30) MCP Yes Yes (IQ ND) No or ND No ND Low muscle tone, normal mass and strength 4
KA17 LOVD: NR2F1_000039; BE18, #36; RE20, #1 De novo MM in DBD p.Cys86Phe CC thinning; WM reduction; MCP Yes, DMD Yes (DQ < 25 at 14 yo); speech delay; non-verbal OA; mild bilateral ONH; CVI; GVI One episode of IS; left occipital onset seizure in EEG; FS Severe ASD; RB (self-stimulating, self-injurious behavior); limited social interaction Yes 7
KA17 LOVD: NR2F1_000079; BE18, #37; RE20, #52 De novo MM in LBD p.Leu372Pro ND Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay OA; GVI ND RB; ADHD Yes 5
VI17 LOVD: NR2F1_000017 MM in DBD p.Gly105Asp Cerebral malformations ND Yes (IQ ND) No or ND ND ND ND 2
MH18 LOVD: NR2F1_000040; BE18, #38; RE20, #5 De novo MM in DBD p.Lys96Glu CC thinning Yes Yes (IQ ca. 30–50); speech delay Mild OA; CVI; GVI No ND Yes 5
PA19 LOVD: NR2F1_000038; RE20, #45; JU21, #10 Truncation p.Tyr171* CC thinning Yes Yes; mild (IQ ca. 77–80) OA; GVI No Behavioral disorders; ADHD ND 5
BO20 LOVD: NR2F1_000037; RE20, #43 De novo truncation p.Gln28* ONH No No (verbal IQ 141; nonverbal IQ 63) OA; ONH; CVI; mild GVI No; EEG showed rare isolated sharp waves from central regions ASD (hand flapping and toe walking at 24 mo); behavioral disorders; ADHD Yes 5
BE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000059; BE20, #1 De novo MM in DBD p.Arg142His CC thinning; OA (OC and nerve thinning); abnormal gyration Yes Yes OA; amblyopia IS at 8 mo ASD and ADHD traits Yes 7
BE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000060; BE20, #2 De novo truncation p.Gln244* CC thinning; ventricular asymmetry and enlargement; abnormal gyration; polymicrogyria Yes Yes No or ND ND Behavioral disorders Yes 5
BE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000054; BE20, #3; JU21, #4 De novo truncation p.Glu39* CC and OC thinning; CB malformation; ectopic nodular heterotopy; abnormal gyration Yes Yes (speech difficulties) Severe bilateral OA; LVA 3–4 ES/y Stereotypical movements; RB; ADHD Yes 7
BE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000048; BE20, #4 De novo TIV p? CC thinning; cortical malformation; abnormal gyration Yes Yes (speech difficulties) OA ND ASD and ADHD traits; behavioral disorders No 5
BE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000056; BE20, #5 De novo MM in DBD p.Tyr98His CC thinning; OC hypoplasia; abnormal gyration Yes Yes OA ND ASD traits; behavioral disorders; stereotypical movements Yes 6
BE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000061; BE20, #6 De novo frameshift truncation p.Lys323Serfs*73 Short CC; ON and chiasm thinning; hypoplastic olfactory lobes; abnormal gyration Yes, DMD Yes (speech difficulties) OA; LVA ND ASD traits No 5
ZO20 LOVD: NR2F1_000085 De novo truncation p.Ser201* ND Mild/moderate Mild/moderate Bilateral P/SOD; LVA ND ND ND 2
HO20 LOVD: NR2F1_000084; RE20, #44 De novo truncation p.Glu85* Normal or ND Yes Yes (IQ 69) OA; GVI Spells of behavioral arrest and non-responsiveness ASD; auditory hallucinations and delusions; crying episodes Yes 6
WA20 LOVD: NR2F1_000051 Frameshift truncation p.Asn362fs*33 CC; ON and OC hypoplasia; mild MCP Apparent at 8 mo Speech delay Severe GVI Myoclonic astatic seizures at 2½ yo ASD ND 6
MI20 LOVD: NR2F1_000034; MI20, #1 De novo MM in DBD p.Gly105Ser Benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces (BESS) Yes, DMD Speech delay; non-verbal until 2 yo Bilateral OA; GVI Myoclonic epilepsy diagnosed at 3 yo RB ND 6
MI20 LOVD: NR2F1_000034; MI20, #2 De novo MM in DBD p.Gly105Ser LV enlargement; intraventricular arachnoid cyst Yes, DMD Speech delay; non-verbal until 2 yo Bilateral OA; GVI Myoclonic epilepsy diagnosed at 4 yo RB ND 6
ST20 LOVD: NR2F1_000035 MM in DBD p.Lys107Glu CC; ON; OC and optic tracts atrophy; complex pituitary cyst. Marked and global; DMD ND Declining visual acuity; legally blind by 10 yo 1–3 yo + 30 episodes of FS; occasionally with myoclonus and generalized seizures Aggressive behavior; depression; hallucinations Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000065; RE20, #33 De novo TIV p.M1? ND No ND No or ND No ND Yes 1
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000048; RE20, #34 De novo TIV p.M1? ND Yes, DMD Speech delay; non-verbal OA; small ON; CVI; GVI FS ASD Yes 5
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000067; RE20, #2 De novo MM in DBD p.Cys86Arg CC thinning Yes Speech delay; non-verbal OA; CVI; GVI IS ASD traits Yes 7
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000068; RE20, #3; RO20, #170 De novo MM in DBD p.Val88Met Normal or ND Yes Speech delay; non-verbal OA; CVI; GVI Onset at 9 wo; IS; focal and partial seizures; myoclonic jerks ASD; RB (head banging) Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000009; RE20, #4 MM in DBD p.Gly95Val ND Yes, DMD Yes (IQ 56); speech delay P/SOD; small ON; CVI; GVI IS and absence seizures ASD traits Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000069; RE20, #6 MM in DBD p.Hys97Pro Slightly decreased brain volume Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; CVI; GVI Myoclonic seizures ASD (severe) Yes 7
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000070; RE20, #7 De novo MM in DBD p.Tyr98Cys Abnormal Yes Speech delay P/SOD; ONH; CVI; GVI Myoclonic; absence seizures ASD; RB (head banging); ADHD Yes 7
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000071; RE20, #8 De novo MM in DBD p.Glu104Gly ND Yes Speech delay; non-verbal OA; CVI; GVI No ASD traits Yes 5
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000072; RE20, #9 MM in DBD p.Ser108Ile ON thinning and small OC Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; small ON; CVI; GVI No ASD traits Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000073; RE20, #15 MM in DBD p.Cys122Ser ND Yes, DMD Speech delay; non-verbal OA; GVI IS ASD traits Yes 5
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000074; RE20, #42 frameshift truncation p.Asn127Lysfs*270 ND Yes, DMD Speech delay ONH; CVI; GVI Yes ASD; auditory hallucinations Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000076; RE20, #20 De novo MM in DBD p.Gln139His CC thinning; DM; ON thinning and small OC Yes, DMD Speech delay OA; CVI; GVI No ASD Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000077; RE20, #49 MM in LBD p.Ala311Pro Normal or ND Yes Mild (FSIQ 80 below average); speech delay P/SOD; mild GVI Generalized Myoclonic and absence seizures ASD Yes 6
RE20 De novo MM in LBD p.Glu318Asp Abnormal No but mild DMD No (IQ 94; performance IQ 54) OA; CVI; GVI Atonic; Rolandic epilepsy ASD No 4
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000021; RE20, #46 De novo truncation p.Arg373* CC; ON and OC thinning Yes, DMD Mild (DQ ca. 60–70); speech delay P/SOD; ONH; CVI; GVI No ASD Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000036; RE20, #54 De novo MM in LBD p.Met406Thr Small ON; Abnormal MRI Yes, DMD Yes (IQ ND); speech delay CVI; GVI No ASD Yes 6
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000063; RE20, #25 Maternal, deletion (2.5 Mb) Deleted; (del. includes FLJ42709, FAM172A, MIR2277, POU5F2, KIAA0825, MIR1974, ANKRD32, MCTP1, FAM81B, TTC37) ND Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech delay OA; CVI; GVI Absence and tonic seizures ASD; PDD-NOS; OCD; pacing and hitting Yes 5
RE20 LOVD: NR2F1_000064; RE20, #26 Deletion (0.97 Mb) Deleted ND Yes Speech delay OA; small ON; CVI; GVI No ASD Mild 5
JU21 JU21, #1 Frameshift truncation p.Ala2Glnfs*3 CC thinning; abnormal gyration Yes; mild ND OA; ONH; LVA Occasional epileptic-like state during light sleep; FS at 4 yo; convulsions at 8 yo ASD; ADHD Hypotonia and hyperlaxity 6
JU21 JU21, #2 Frameshift truncation p.Asn24Glyfs*379 Normal or ND Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech difficulties; learning disability OA; ONH; CVI; LVA No ND ND 3
JU21 JU21, #3 AA duplication p.Arg31dup Normal or ND Yes Yes (IQ ND); learning disability OA; CVI; LVA No ND ND 3
JU21 LOVD: NR2F1_000069; JU21, #5 De novo MM in DBD p.Hys97Pro CC; ON and OC thinning; periventricular leukomalacia; MCP Yes; global (delayed visual maturation) Yes (IQ ND); learning disability OA; LVA One episode of FS ASD Moderate/severe 7
JU21 JU21, #6 De novo truncation p.Leu118* CC mild foreshortening Yes; global Yes (IQ ND); learning disability OA; LVA No ND Yes 5
JU21 JU21, #7 (Likely) de novo truncation p.Tyr120* WM abnormalities Yes; pervasive; global apraxia Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; learning disability OA; LVA Myoclonic epilepsy; focal impaired awareness seizures ASD; ADHD ND 6
BA19; JU21 LOVD: NR2F1_000086; JU21, #8 De novo MM in DBD p.Cys122Trp WM reduction; CC thinning Yes; global Yes (IQ ND); learning disability OA; CVI; LVA IS; Myoclonic epilepsy ASD; ADHD Yes 7
JU21 JU21, #9 De novo MM in DBD p.Ala155Thr WM reduction; ON thinning Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; learning disability CVI; LVA No ASD; anxiety; limited attention span ND 5
JU21 JU21, #11 De novo MM in LBD p.Thr200Arg Lateral and third ventricles enlargement; MCP Global Yes (IQ ND); learning disability Central, steady, maintained No ND Yes 5
JU21 JU21, #12 De novo truncation p.Trp233* CC; ON and OC thinning; WM delayed maturation; brain abnormalities Yes Yes (IQ ND); speech difficulties OA; microphthalmia; small ON head; CVI No Limited concentration and short attention span ND 5
JU21 LOVD: NR2F1_000082; JU21, #13 De novo MM in LBD p.Glu342Lys Normal CC e ON; OC atrophy and defective rotation; Normal gyration No No OA; ONH; LVA No ND ND 2
JU21 JU21, #14 (Likely) de novo deletion in LBD p.Glu346_Gln349del ND Yes; walking delay Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; dyslexia; learning disability ONH; CVI; LVA No ND ND 3
JU21 LOVD: NR2F1_000079; JU21, #15 Familial MM in LBD p.Leu372Pro ND Yes; walking delay Yes (IQ ND); speech delay Small ON head; CVI; LVA No ND ND 3
JU21 LOVD: NR2F1_000079; JU21, #16 Familial MM in LBD p.Leu372Pro Normal or ND Yes; walking delay Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; OA; ONH; CVI; LVA One episode of FS ND ND 4
JU21 LOVD: NR2F1_000079; JU21, #17 Familial MM in LBD p.Leu372Pro Normal or ND Yes; walking delay Yes (IQ ND); speech delay; OA; CVI; LVA No ND ND 3
JU21 JU21, #18 Familial deletion in LBD p.Arg373_Leu374del ND No ND OA; ONH; LVA No ND ND 1
JU21 JU21, #19 Familial deletion in LBD p.Arg373_Leu374del ON atrophy No ND OA; ONH; LVA No ND ND 2
JU21 JU21, #20 De novo MM in LBD p.Gly395Ser ON atrophy; WM loss Yes Yes (IQ ND); learning disability CVI; LVA No ND Generalized 5
JU21 LOVD: NR2F1_000083; JU21, #21 De novo truncation p.Glu400* CC thinning; ON and OC atrophy; abnormal gyration Yes Yes (IQ ND); learning disability OA; ONH; LVA No ASD; behavioral disorders ND 5
JU21 JU21, #22 De novo whole-gene deletion (599 Kb) deleted; (del. includes FAM172A; NR2F1-AS1, partial; KIAA0825, last exon) CC thickening; ON atrophy; cerebral vascular system abnormalities Yes Yes (IQ ND); mild speech delay; learning disability OA; LVA No ND ND 4
JS20 LOVD: NR2F1_000036 De novo MM in LBD p.Met406Thr DM Yes Severe (IQ ND); speech delay; non-verbal OA; suspected ON dysplasia; GVI Seizures from 4 mo Short attention span ND 6
GA21 LOVD: NR2F1_000048 De novo TIV p.M1? Brain abnormalities; ON; OC and optic tract hypoplasia Yes Severe (IQ ND) Right iris and chorioretinal coloboma; small ON; bilateral P/SOD; LVA EEG at 12 yo showed possible occipital seizures ND Yes 6