Figure 8.
B-catenin, OB-cadherin, E-cadherin, N-cadherin and bone mineralization in controls of non-dysplastic bone as evaluated by immunohistochemistry and Von Kossa–Giemsa staining. (a) Overview showing odontogenic cyst composed of epithelial layer (rectangle), and connective wall (circle) compressing and remolding normal jaw bone (star), the latter showing OB-cadherin staining surrounding bone trabeculae. (b) Further details of OB-cadherin positive bone. (c) Precursors of OB-cadherin positive osteoblasts (arrows). (d) Details of OB-cadherin positive osteoblasts. (e) B-catenin staining in normal osteomedullar biopsy showing faint expression in medullar precursors and osteoblasts. (f) E-cadherin staining in normal osteomedullar biopsy showing faint expression in medullar precursors and negative staining of osteoblasts. (g) N-cadherin staining in normal osteomedullar biopsy showing moderate expression in medullar precursors and osteoblasts. (h) Control of normal bone mineralization and medullar precursors by Von Kossa–Giemsa staining. Magnifications, ×4 (a), ×10 (b,c,e,g,h), ×20 (d).