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. 2022 Apr 13;19(8):4682. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19084682

Table 1.

Clinical, psychological, psychophysical, health-related, and cognitive data of the sample (n = 113).

Mean SD Min. Max.
Age (years) 52.8 10.8 47.0 60.0
Height (cm) 160.25 36.4 156.0 169.0
Weight (kg) 72.45 16.8 57.0 110.0
Years with diagnosis 10.25 8.45 2.0 25.0
Mean-worst pain (NPRS, 0–10) 6.8 1.54 1.0 10.0
Pain with activity (NPRS, 0–10) 8.05 1.9 2.0 10.0
HADS-A (0–21) 11.5 3.8 1.0 20.0
HADS-D (0–21) 9.9 4.0 1.0 18.0
Sleep (PSQI, 0–21) 13.7 4.0 4.0 21.0
PPT upper trapezius (kPa) 134.7 56.2 50.45 273.8
PPT mastoid (kPa) 163.15 88.6 21.3 316.8
PPT elbow (kPa) 157.0 84.75 28.3 309.0
PPT second metacarpal (kPa) 126.7 56.55 15.5 294.0
PPT PSIC (kPa) 245.0 129.3 46.65 383.6
PPT trochanter (kPa) 271.1 119.4 74.5 421.8
PPT knee (kPa) 157.75 105.05 16.45 263.5
PPT tibialis anterior (kPa) 199.4 104.85 23.15 245.8
FIQ (0–100) 64.3 12.85 18.2 102.6
CSI Score (0–100) 70.25 11.95 36.0 99.0
Catastrophizing (PCS, 0–52) 22.6 12.35 0.0 47.0
Function (FHAQ, 0–3) 1.25 0.55 0.0 2.6
Hypervigilance (PVQ, 0–45) 27.25 8.1 8.0 47.0
Kinesiophobia (TSK-11) 25.0 7.55 11.0 43.0
Pain detect (0–38) 19.7 6.9 0.0 32.0
Quality of life (EQ-5DL, 0–1) 0.4 0.25 0.1 0.9
S-LANSS (0–24) 17.65 5.25 5.0 28.0
Test up and go (TUG, seg.) 12.35 4.7 4.45 29.7

NPRS: Numerical Pain Rate Scale; PPT: Pressure Pain Thresholds; S-LANSS: Self-reported version of the Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs; CSI: Central Sensitization Inventory; HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (A: Anxiety, D: Depression); FIQ: Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire; FHAQ: Fibromyalgia Health Assessment Questionnaire; PCS: Pain Catastrophizing Scale; PVAQ: Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire.