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. 2022 Apr 6;9(4):520. doi: 10.3390/children9040520

Table 1.

Description of Source and Types of Social Supports (n = 215).

Number (n) Percentage (%)
Family Support
Availability of Familial Adults
Yes 189/214 88.3
Birth parent 65/188 34.6
Extended family member 65/188 34.6
Adult sibling 27/188 14.4
Adoptive family member 21/188 11.2
Foster family member 5/188 2.7
Legal guardian 2/188 1.1
Other 3/188 1.6
Frequency of Communication with Familial Support
Lives with family member 51/188 27.1
Almost everyday 62/188 33.0
Less than 2–5 times per week 41/188 21.8
Once per month to once per week 30/188 16.0
Once per year to every few months 3/188 1.6
Less than once per year 1/188 0.5
Reliability of Support
Always 113/188 60.1
Most of the time 55/188 29.3
Sometimes 18/188 9.6
Not very often 2/188 1.1
Friend Support
Availability of Friends
Yes 163/215 75.8
Number of good friends
1–4 friends 117/163 71.8
5–9 friends 34/163 20.8
10+ friends 12/163 7.3
Reliability of Support
Always 75/163 46.0
Most of the time 68/163 41.7
Sometimes 17/163 10.4
Not very often 3/163 1.8
Other Adult Support
Availability of Other Adults
Yes 117/215 54.4
Source of Other Adult Support
Family friend/neighbor 31/117 26.5
Work colleague 25/117 21.4
Teacher/coach 17/117 14.5
Non-relative mentor 8/117 6.8
Adult from faith-based community 5/117 4.3
Caseworker 3/117 2.6
Staff from residential home 3/117 2.6
Lawyer 1/117 0.9
Other 24/117 20.5
Frequency of Communication with Adult Support
Almost everyday 35/117 29.9
Less than 2–5 times per week 25/117 21.4
Once per month to once per week 39/117 33.3
Once per year to every few months 15/117 12.8
Less than once per year 3/117 2.6
Reliability of Support
Always 60/117 51.3
Most of the time 40/117 34.2
Sometimes 16/117 13.7
Not very often 1/117 0.9
Types of Support
Informational (i.e., Advice)
Enough people 156/215 72.6
Too few people/No one 59/215 27.4
Material (i.e., Money)
Enough people 103/215 47.9
Too few people/No one 112/215 52.1