PICS on time lapse of FUCCI-HeLa cells. (A) SLIM images
and PICS
inference of cells measured at 2, 6, 10, and 14 h. The time interval
between imaging is roughly 2 h. We manually tracked two cells (marked
in red and orange). (B) Cell area and dry mass change of the cell
in the red rectangle, across 16 h. These values were obtained via
PICS inferred masks. We can observe an abrupt drop in cell dry mass
and area as the cell divides after around 8 h. (C) Cell area and dry
mass change of the cell in orange rectangle, across 16 h. We can observe
that the cell continues growing in the first 14 h as it goes through
G1, S, and G2 phase. It divides between hour 14 and hour 16, with
an abrupt drop in its dry mass and cell area. Scale bar is 100 μm.