Comparison of catalysis
by different species of complex I reconstituted
into proteoliposomes. (A) Representative FET activities for proteoliposomes
containing complex I from B. taurus (Bt), M. musculus (Mm), Y. lipolytica (Yl), and P. pastoris (Pp) in the presence and absence of 0.5 μg
mL–1 gramicidin. (B) Comparison between rates of
NADH-linked ATP synthesis (S) and RET (R) in proteoliposomes. Rates
are calculated per mg of outward-facing complex I. (C) Analysis of
the proportion of active complex I in as-prepared proteoliposomes,
determined by sensitivity of catalysis to NEM, relative to a DMSO
vehicle control. All data are mean averages with error (± S.D.)
values from quadruplicate technical replicates.