Table 3.
Clinical trials targeting cell cycle checkpoints as monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy and other targeted agents.
Trial | Phase | Eligible Patients | Drugs | Dose/Schedule | Findings of Primary/Secondary Endpoints | Notable Common Grade AEs (≥10%) |
ATR Inhibitors | ||||||
DUETTE NCT04239014 |
Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase II | Platinum-sensitive, PARPi-resistant HGSOC | Ceralasertib + olaparib | Arm 1: Ceralasertib 160 mg PO QD on days 1–7; olaparib 300 mg PO BID q28-day cycle Arm 2: Olaparib 300 mg PO BID Arm 3: Placebo PO BID |
N/A Note: Withdrawn by the company sponsor in January 2021 based on the interim analysis of the VIOLETTE study NCT03330847 investigating the combination of ceralasertib and olaparib, where study closure was recommended due to insufficient activity. |
NCT04655183 | Phase I/II | PARPi-resistant, germline BRCA1/2-mutated, HER2-advanced breast cancer | M4344 + niraparib | Niraparib PO QD; M4344 at the dose determined in part 1 of study | N/A Note: Withdrawn by the company sponsor. |
NCT04149145 | Phase I | PARPi-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer Estimated enrollment: n = 40 |
M4344 + niraparib | 1st phase: 3+3 design of fixed dose niraparib PO QD (with 4-week lead-in); M4344 will be escalated from 100–200 mg PO QD q28-day cycle |
Not yet recruiting as of October 2021
Estimated study start date: December 2021 |
NCT03704467 | Phase Ib | Platinum-sensitive, PARPi-resistant, recurrent epithelial ovarian, primary peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer n = 3 |
Carboplatin + berzosertib (M6620) + avelumab |
M6620 90 mg/m2 IV on day 2; avelumab 1600 mg IV on day 1; carboplatin AUC 5 on day 1 q3-week cycle for a maximum of 6 cycles | Note: Originally designed as phase Ib/II trial, but sponsor did not conduct phase II after completing phase Ib and confirming safe combination dose. | |
NCT04267939 | Phase I/Ib | Escalation cohort: All solid tumors (excluding prostate cancer) and positive for DDR deficiency Expansion cohort: Ovarian cancer, PARPi naïve, and with a platinum resistant/refractor y disease and DDR deficiency Expansion cohort: Ovarian cancer, PARPi-resistant, unselected for BRCA mutation status, platinum-status unspecified |
BAY189534 4 + niraparib | BAY189534 4 BID QD; niraparib PO QD q28-day cycle |
Estimated study completion date: December 5, 2025 |
NCT04826341 | Phase I/II | Phase I: Advanced or recurrent solid tumors Phase II: Multi-cohort single arm study HRD cohort: Known HRD cancer and documented evidence of germline or somatic BRCA mutation or other HRD germline mutation, or tumor is HRD positive; PD while taking a PARPi or within 6 months of completing PARPi SCLC cohort: Recurrent SCLC after ≥ 1 prior platinum-based therapy Estimated enrollment: n = 70 |
Berzosertib (M6620) + sacituzumab govitecan | M6620 IV 20 mg/mL on days 2 and 9; sacituzumab govitecan IV on days 1 and 8 q21-day cycles |
Estimated study completion date: March 1, 2026 |
CAPRI NCT03462342 | Single-arm, multi-cohort phase II | Cohort A: HGSOC with unknown or negative BRCA germline mutation status with no limit on prior number of regimens Cohort B: HGSOC with unknown or negative BRCA germline mutation status with no more than 3 prior cytotoxic therapies since the development of platinum-resistance Cohort C: Platinum-sensitive HGSOC with germline or somatic BRCA1/2 mutation, other HRD mutation, or positive HRD score on Myriad My Choice immediately following prior PARPi treatment (n = 13) |
Ceralasertib + olaparib | Ceralasertib 160 mg PO QD on days 1–7; olaparib 300 mg PO BID q28-day cycle | Cohort C: ORR: 46% (6 PR) Median duration of treatment: 8 mths (range 3–23) |
Cohort C: Grade 3 thrombocytopenia: 23% (n = 3); anemia: 16% (n = 2); neutropenia: 16% (n = 2) No grade 4 toxicities |
OLAPCO NCT02576444 |
Single-arm phase II | BRCA-mutated, PARPi pretreated/resistant HGSOC n = 7 |
Ceralasertib + olaparib | Ceralasertib 160 mg PO QD on days 1–7; olaparib 300 mg PO BID q28-day cycle | 1 PR, 3 SD, 3 PD | Anemia, thrombocytopenia (rates not reported) |
CHK1 Inhibitors | ||||||
NCT03057145 | Phase I | Advanced solid tumors n = 29; 25 evaluable BRCA-mutant, PARPi-resistant expansion (n = 18) |
Prexasertib + olaparib | Olaparib PO on an intermittent schedule during each 28-day cycle; prexasertib IV on days 1 and 15 q28-day cycle | ORR: 22% (4/18 PR) 10/18 pts, (56%) remained on study for 4+ cycles |
Neutropenia: (86%); leukopenia (83%); anemia (72%); thrombocytopenia (66%) |
NCT02203513 | Single-arm, multi-cohort phase II | Cohort 1: Germline or somatic BRCA-mutated HGSOC n = 22 (21 with prior PARPi); 18 evaluable |
Prexasertib | Prexasertib 105 mg/m2 IV q14 days q28-day cycle | ORR: 11% (1 CR, 1 PR) | Grade 3/4 AEs: neutropenia (82%); leukopenia (64%); thrombocytopenia (14%) |
WEE1 Inhibitors | ||||||
STAR NCT04197713 |
Single-arm phase I | Advanced solid tumors in a post-PARPi population Estimated enrollment: n = 54 |
Adavosertib + olaparib | Olaparib PO BID on days 1–5 and 15–19; adavosertib PO QD on days 8–12 and 22–26 q28 day cycle for 2 years |
Estimated study completion date: June 30, 2022 |
NCT02482311 | Phase Ib |
BRCA1/2-mutant, PARPi-resistant advanced HGSOC cohort n = 30 |
Adavosertib | Adavosertib PO BID on days 1–3 and 8–10 q21-day cycle | ORR: 3% (n = 1 PR) DCR: 77% (n = 23) Median PFS: 3.9 mths |
Diarrhea (61%); nausea (50%); fatigue (43%) across safety population (n = 80) |
EFFORT NCT03579316 |
Randomized phase II | Recurrent ovarian cancer in which progression has been documented following PARPi therapy n = 80 enrolled and randomized; 35 patients evaluable in each arm |
Adavosertib ± olaparib | Arm 1: Adavosertib PO QD on days 1–5 and 8–12 q21-day cycle (n = 39) Arm 2: Olaparib PO BID on days 1–21; adavosertib PO QD on days 1–3 and 8–10 q21-day cycle (n = 41) |
ORR (90% CI): Arm 1: 23% (12–38) Arm 2: 29% (16–44) CBR (90% CI): Arm 1: 63% (48–76) Arm 2: 89% (76–96) Median PFS (90% CI) Arm 1: 5.5 mths (3.9–6.9) Arm 2: 6.8 mths (4.3–8.3) |
Arm 1: 51% with grade 3/4 toxicities: neutropenia (13%); thrombocytopenia (10%); diarrhea (8%) Arm 2: 76% with grade 3/4 toxicities: thrombocytopenia (20%); neutropenia (15%); diarrhea (12%); fatigue (12%); anemia (10%) |
Abbreviations; AE, adverse event; AUC, area under curve; BID, twice daily; CBR, clinical benefit rate; CI, confidence interval; DCR, disease control rate; HRD, homologous recombination deficient; IV, intravenous; mths, months; NE, not evaluable, ORR, objective response rate; PARPi, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor; PD, progression of disease; PFS, progression-free survival; PO, by mouth; PR, partial response; pts, patients; QD, once daily; SCLC, small cell lung cancer.