m-WET | TF-CBT | Control | |
Demographics Age (years) | 15.74 (2.16) | 15.85 (2.13) | 16.37 (1.78) |
Number of people in family | 8.03 (1.99) | 7.63 (2.11) | 8.18 (1.95) |
Place in family (eldest child:middle child: youngest child) | 6:12:15 | 8:17:11 | 6:16:14 |
Father alive (alive:deceased) | 30:2 | 36:4 | 36:2 |
Mother alive (alive:deceased) | 32:0 | 40:0 | 38:0 |
Father’s education (illiterate: high school graduate: diploma graduate: Bachelor degree or Masters degree) | 29:2:0:0 | 27:0:1:1 | 27:1:0:1 |
Mother’s education (illiterate: high school graduate) | 31:0 | 28:2 | 31:0 |
Self-rated economic status (low:middle) | 24:11 | 24:13 | 27:10 |
Previous terrorists attack exposure (yes:no) | 5:29 | 11:28 | 6:32 |
Currently on medication (yes:no) | 8:21 | 12:36 | 18:16 |
PTSD symptoms Baseline |
Intrusion | 11.00 (5.50) | 10.83 (5.72) | 13.21 (3.50) |
Avoidance | 11.99 (6.40) | 10.43 (6.46) | 12.71 (4.46) |
Arousal | 14.01 (6.60) | 15.16 (7.58) | 18.81 (4.63) |
Post-Intervention | |||
Intrusion | 8.83 (4.23) | 10.15 (4.70) | 11.71 (4.84) |
Avoidance | 11.60 (4.72) | 10.66 (6.03) | 13.24 (5.14) |
Arousal | 11.69 (5.09) | 14.68 (4.74) | 16.50 (4.49) |
Follow-up | |||
Intrusion | 9.64 (5.09) | 9.55 (4.82) | 13.52 (3.82) |
Avoidance | 11.27 (6.03) | 11.79 (6.13) | 13.17 (4.65) |
Arousal | 13.14 (6.10) | 15.93 (6.06) | 19.43 (4.83) |
PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder. m-WET, modified written exposure therapy. TF-CBT, trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy. The three groups did not differ significantly at baseline in terms of PTSD symptoms, with the exception of baseline arousal, F(2,109) = 5.66, p < 0.01. All exploratory analyses controlled for baseline symptoms.