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. 2022 Mar 31;10(4):541. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10040541

Table 3.

Attitude related to COVID-19 vaccine and government’s decisions by pre-clinical/clinical status.

Question Pre-Clinical
(n = 683)
n (%)
(n = 762)
n (%)
(n = 1445)
n (%)
p-Value (95% CI)
Are you concerned about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine? <0.001 (1.23–1.34)
Yes 410 (58) 297 (42) 707 (48.9)
No 236 (36.3) 414 (63.7) 650 (45)
I don’t know 37 (42) 51 (58) 88 (6.1)
Are you concerned about the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine? <0.001 (1.22–1.32)
Yes 432 (56.8) 328 (43.2) 760 (52.6)
No 219 (35.7) 394 (64.3) 613 (42.4)
I don’t know 32 (44.4) 40 (55.6) 72 (5)
Should the COVID-19 vaccine be taken annually? <0.001 (2.56–2.68)
Yes 87 (39.4) 134 (60.6) 221 (15.3)
No 147 (33.9) 287 (66.1) 434 (30)
I don’t know 449 (56.8) 341 (43.2) 790 (54.7)
Do you trust the Ministry of Health when it comes to information about the COVID-19 vaccine? <0.001 (1.8–1.9)
Yes 382 (37.3) 642 (62.7) 1024 (70.9)
No 261 (79.8) 66 (20.2) 327 (22.6)
I don’t know 40 (42.6) 54 (57.4) 94 (6.5)
Do you agree with the government’s decision about the COVID-19 vaccine being a requirement to enter a university facility? <0.001 (1.85–1.96)
Yes 350 (37.2) 590 (62.8) 940 (65)
No 273 (70.5) 114 (29.5) 387 (26.8)
I don’t know 60 (50.8) 58 (49.2) 118 (8.2)
In your opinion, what is the best way to deal with the vaccine? <0.001 (1.76–2.02)
Free choice to take the vaccine or not 309 (68.1) 145 (31.9) 454 (31.4)
Imposing vaccination on specific groups of people 38 (39.2) 59 (60.8) 97 (6.7)
Make it mandatory for everyone 99 (35.4) 181 (64.6) 280 (19.4)
Make it a requirement in transportation and workplace 168 (36.8) 289 (63.2) 457 (31.6)
I am not sure 69 (43.9) 88 (56.1) 157 (10.9)
Does the rapid development of the COVID-19 vaccine play any role in the refusal or hesitancy of the population? <0.001 (1.73–1.85)
Yes 285 (33.2) 574 (66.8) 859 (59.4)
No 268 (78.8) 72 (21.2) 340 (23.5)
I don’t know 130 (52.8) 116 (47.2) 246 (17)
If the government canceled the precautions, would you wear the mask even though you received a vaccine? <0.001 (1.88–1.98)
Yes 214 (36.9) 366 (63.1) 580 (40.1)
No 393 (56.6) 301 (43.4) 694 (48)
I don’t know 76 (44.4) 95 (55.6) 171 (11.8)
Do you think people would take the COVID-19 vaccine even if it costs money? <0.001 (1.98–2.08)
Yes 174 (38.5) 278 (61.5) 452 (31.3)
No 389 (53.8) 334 (46.2) 723 (50)
I don’t know 120 (44.4) 150 (55.6) 270 (18.7)
Do you feel anxious about the long-term side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine? <0.001 (1.79–1.90)
Yes 159 (39.5) 244 (60.5) 403 (27.9)
No 452 (51.5) 425 (48.5) 877 (60.7)
I don’t know 72 (43.6) 93 (56.4) 165 (11.4)
Do you think the COVID-19 vaccine will return life to what it was before the pandemic? <0.001 (2.02–2.12)
Yes 215 (38.7) 341 (61.3) 556 (38.5)
No 353 (59) 245 (41) 598 (41.1)
I don’t know 115 (39.5) 176 (60.5) 291 (20.1)
COVID-19 vaccine is a requirement to enter a university facility; if it wasn’t a requirement, would you still take the COVID-19 vaccine? <0.001 (2.16–2.23)
Yes 340 (35.3) 624 (64.7) 964 (66.7)
No 293 (76.3) 91 (23.7) 384 (26.6)
I don’t know 50 (51.5) 47 (48.5) 97 (6.7)