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. 2022 Mar 29;24(4):476. doi: 10.3390/e24040476

Table 1.

Variables of the POMDP generative model of single-agent opinion formation. The abstract name of each variable is written in the left column, its mathematical notation is in the middle column, and the right column shows how these variables correspond to different components of the opinion formation generative model. M is the total number of observation modalities and F is the number of hidden state/control factors. The observation model is a categorical likelihood distribution encoded by A, which comprises a collection of modality-specific A(m) arrays. The transition model is also a likelihood, mapping each state to its successor in time, encoded by the B(f) arrays. The initial distribution over hidden states is encoded by the D vector, and the prior distribution over control factors is encoded by the E and ε distributions.

Variable Name Notation Meaning
The focal agent’s tweets oSTZ1×H
Observations o={o(1),,o(M)} Neighbour k’s tweets oNTkZ1×(H+1)
The sampled agent oWhoZ1×K
The focal agent’s beliefs sIdeaZ1×2
Hidden States s={s(1),,s(F)} Neighbour k’s beliefs sMBkZ1×2
The Hashtag tweeted by focal agent sTZ1×H
The neighbour sampled focal agent sWhoZ1×n
Actions u={u(1),,u(F)} The Hashtag control state uTZ1×H
The neighbour attendance control state uWhoZ1×n
Self tweet likelihood AST(R>0)2×2×2K×H×K
Observation model P(ot(m)=i|st(1)=j,st(2)=k,)=[A(m)]ijk Neighbour tweet likelihood ANTk(R>0)2×2×2K×H×K
Neighbour attend likelihood AWho(R>0)K×2×2K×H×K
Environmental dynamics and volatility BIdeaR>02×2
Transition model P(st+1(f)=i|st(f)=j,ut(f)=k)=[B(f)]ijk Meta-belief dynamics and volatility BMBk(R>0)2×2
Tweet control BT(R>0)H×H×H
Neighbour attendance control BWho(R>0)K×K×K
Initial State p(s0(f)=i)=[D(f)]i Initial state distribution D(R>0)2×2K×H×K
Control State Prior P(u0T|sidea)=ET Empirical prior over Hashtag control state ET(R>0)H×2
P(u0Who|EWho)=E[Dir(ε)] Dirichlet hyperparameters over neighbour attendance control state ε(R>0)1×K