Figure 20.
Number of papers using metabolomic approaches in marine invertebrates by year (search was performed on March 2021 in PubMed limited to original papers that mention (((metabolomic OR “metabolic profile”) AND (“marine invertebrate” OR echinoderm OR cnidarian OR mollusc OR sponge OR tunicate))) or (((metabolomic OR “metabolic profile”) AND (“NMR” OR “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance”) AND (“marine invertebrate” OR echinoderm OR cnidarian OR mollusc OR sponge OR tunicate))) or (((metabolomic OR “metabolic profile”) AND (“mass spectrometry” OR “LC-MS” OR “GC-MS” OR “MS”) AND (“marine invertebrate” OR echinoderm OR cnidarian OR mollusc OR sponge OR tunicate))) in the title, abstract or keyword).