Figure 4.
Substantia nigrae pars compacta SNpc. (A) Fourteen-year-old child with numerous + Pτ (arrows) in the SN pc. (B) Seventeen year-old male with contrasting SNsc neurons, the one on the left (arrow head) displays very little neuromelanin. (C) Eleven-year-old boy with intense nuclear Pτ (short arrow) alongside intracytoplasmic + Pτ (arrowhead)immunoreactivity. The insert shows a Lewybody like inclusion. (D) Pτ mature plaques (arrow head) and neurites (short arrows) are common in subjects ≥ 30 years with SNps neurons devoid of neuromelanin (long arrow). (E) TEM in a 3-year-old child with significant fragmentation and vacuolization (*) of the neuropil surrounding the blood vessel. (F) Same as (E), a neuron shows very few neuromelanin granules (white arrows), an apparently intact nucleus (n) and a significantly fragmented neuropil (*). (G) The amount of neuromelanin goes up in adults along significant neuropil fragmentation (*). (H). Neuromelanin granules with NPs (white arrows), abnormal mitochondria (M) and markedly dilated endoplasmic reticulum (ER).