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. 2014 Aug 8;2014(8):CD003641. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003641.pub4
  Intervention(s) and comparator(s) Sex [female %] Age
 [mean years SD)/range] BMI
 [mean kg/m² (SD)] Weight [mean kg (SD)] Co‐medications / Co‐interventions
 [%] Co‐morbidities
 [N, % or as stated]
Aasheim 2009 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 74 35 (7) 54.8 (3.2) 162 (24) N (rounded %): type 2 diabetes 6 (19), joint pain 16 (52), depression 5 (16), hypertension 8 (26), asthma 8 (26), urinary incontinence 5 (16), sleep apnoea 5 (16), GERD 5 (16), diabetes mellitus 5 (16), hypothyroidism 3 (10), gallstones 2 (7), hyperlipidaemia 0 (0), gout 1 (3)
Laparoscopic biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch 66 36 (5) 55.2 (3.5) 162 (20) N (rounded %): type 2 diabetes 6 (21), joint pain 13 (45), depression 12 (41), hypertension 8 (28), asthma 5 (17), urinary incontinence 7 (24), sleep apnoea 6 (21), GERD 4 (14), diabetes mellitus 3 (10), hypothyroidism 3 (10), gallstones 1 (3), hyperlipidaemia 3 (10), gout 1 (3)
all: 70  
Angrisani 2007 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 83 34.1 (8.9) 43.8 (4.1) 118.2 (13.2) N: 2 hyperlipaemia, 1 hypertension, 1 type 2 diabetes
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding 81 33.8 (9.1) 43.4 (4.2) 117.1 (12.8) N: 3 hypertension, 1 sleep apnoea
Demerdash 2013 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 89a 39 (4.5) 46.2 (2.56) 142.7 (22.6)
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band 83 37 (6) 45.8 (2.7) 138.7 (22.98)
Dixon 2008 Laparoscopic gastric banding in addition to the conventional therapy 50 46.6 (7.4) 37.0 (2.7) 105.6 (13.8) n/N (%)b: Metformin: 28/29 (97); Other hypoglycaemic agents: 9/29 (31); Insulin: 1/29 (3); Antihypertensive agents: 20/29 (69); Lipid‐lowering agents: 12/29 (41) N (%): type 2 diabetes 30 (100), hypertension 28 (93), metabolic syndrome 29 (97), coronary artery disease 0 (0)
Conventional therapy 57 47.1 (8.7) 37.2 (2.5) 105.9 (14.2) n/N (%)b: Metformin: 26/26 (100); Other hypoglycaemic agents: 8/26 (31); Insulin: 0/26 (0); Antihypertensive agents: 15/26 (58); Lipid‐lowering agents: 8/26 (31) N (%): type 2 diabetes 30 (100), hypertension 27 (90), metabolic syndrome 29 (97), coronary artery disease 1 (3)
Dixon 2012 Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding 43 47.4 (8.8) 46.3 (6.0) 134.9 (22.1) N (%): obstructive sleep apnoea 30 (100), hypertension 15 (50), diabetes 10 (33), depression 12 (40), metabolic syndrome 19 (63)
Conventional therapy 40 50.0 (8.2) 43.8 (4.9) 126.0 (19.3) N (%): obstructive sleep apnoea 30 (100), hypertension 17 (57), diabetes 10 (33), depression 11 (37), metabolic syndrome 24 (80)
Hedberg 2012 Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch 50 40.2 (9.5) 54.5 (6.7) N (%): oral diabetes medication 6 (25), insulin 1 (4), any diabetes medication 7 (29) N (%): hypertension 6 (25), hyperlipidaemia 0 (0), sleep apnoea 4 (17)
Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 43 37.9 (10.4) 54.5 (5.6) N (%): oral diabetes medication 1 (4), insulin 0 (0), any diabetes medication 1 (4) N (%): hypertension 7 (30), hyperlipidaemia 0 (0), sleep apnoea 3 (13)
all: 47 39.1 (9.9) 54.5 (6.1)    
Himpens 2006 Laparoscopic gastric banding 83 median 36 (20‐61) median 37 (30‐47) N (%): GERD requiring proton pump inhibitor 6 (15)
  Laparascopic isolated sleeve gastrectomy 78 median 40 (22‐65) median 39 (30‐53) N (%): GERD requiring proton pump inhibitor 8 (20)
Ikramuddin 2013 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass + lifestyle programme with medical management 63 49 (9) 34.9 (3.0) 98.8 (14.0) insulin 62, other glycaemic medicines 87, dyslipidaemia medicines 65, blood pressure medicines 68 % inferred from inclusion criteria: type 2 diabetes 100, elevated HbA1c (> 8%) 100
Lifestyle programme with medical management 57 49 (8) 34.3 (3.1) 97.9 (17.0) insulin 43, other glycaemic medicines 95, dyslipidaemia medicines 68, blood pressure medicines 73 % inferred from inclusion criteria: type 2 diabetes 100, elevated HbA1c (> 8%) 100
all:     34.6 (3.1)      
Karamanakos 2008 (including Kehagias 2011) Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 73 36 (8.4) 45.8 (3.7) 123.1 (13.9) N (%): hypertension 5 (17), type 2 diabetes 5 (17), impaired glucose tolerance 5 (17), HDL < threshold 4 (13), LDL > threshold 10 (33), triglycerides > threshold 5 (17), obstructive sleep apnoea 3 (10), GERD 5 (17), degenerative arthritis 6 (20), menstrual irregularities 7 (23), ≥ 1 obesity‐related co‐morbidity 23 (77)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 73 33.7 (9.9) 44.9 (3.4) 126.9 (18.0) N (%): hypertension 4 (13), type 2 diabetes 5 (17), impaired glucose tolerance 5 (17), HDL < threshold 3 (10), LDL > threshold 8 (27), triglycerides > threshold 3 (10), obstructive sleep apnoea 6 (20), GERD 2 (7), degenerative arthritis 5 (17), menstrual irregularities 7 (23), ≥ 1 obesity‐related co‐morbidity 20 (67)
all: 73    
Keidar 2013 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 42c 51.45 (8.3) 42 (4.8) 118.04 (16.5) oral hypoglycaemics: 63%; insulin: 21% Type 2 diabetes: 100%
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 50c 47.7 (11.7) 42.5 (5.2) 117.9 (17.8) oral hypoglycaemics: 50%; insulin: 22% Type 2 diabetes: 100%
all: 46          
Lee 2011 Simplified laparoscopic mini‐gastric bypass with duodenum exclusion %: poorly‐controlled type 2 diabetes 100
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy without duodenum exclusion %: poorly‐controlled type 2 diabetes 100
Liang 2013 Usual care 33.3 51.75 (6.70) 30.34 (1.96)d 81.31 (4.97) %: insulin therapy in combination with (unspecified) oral agents 100 %: type 2 diabetes 100, hypertension 100
Usual care + exenatide 29.4 50.94 (5.89) 30.28 (1.44) 81.76 (3.67) %: insulin therapy in combination with (unspecified) oral agents 100 %: type 2 diabetes 100, hypertension 100
Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 29 50.81 (5.44) 30.48 (0.94) 81.97 (3.53) %: insulin therapy in combination with (unspecified) oral agents 100 %: type 2 diabetes 100, hypertension 100
all: 30.3 [25.0‐34.0]  
Mingrone 2012 Gastric bypass 60 43.90 (7.57) 44.85 (5.16) 129.84 (22.58) %: type 2 diabetes 100, elevated HbA1c (≥ 7%) 100
Medical therapy 50 43.45 (7.27) 45.62 (6.24) 136.40 (21.94) %: type 2 diabetes 100, elevated HbA1c (≥ 7%) 100
all: 53    
Nguyen 2009 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 77.4 41.4 (11.0) 47.5 (5.5) 133 (21) %: diabetes 20.7, hypertension 38.7, previous abdominal surgery 45.9
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding 75.6 45.8 (9.8) 45.5 (5.4) 129 (21) %: diabetes 26.7, hypertension 51.1, previous abdominal surgery 47.7
Nogues 2010 Laparascopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 100 45.86 (8.6)e 43.1 (3.9)e 116.7 (5.5) N (%): metformin 2 (28.6) N (rounded %): hypertension 5 (71), diabetes mellitus 2 (29), dyslipidaemia 5 (71), arthropathy 4 (57), GERD 0 (0), urinary incontinence 3 (43), depression 4 (57), obstructive sleep apnoea 2 (29), insulin resistance 6 (86)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 100 49.63 (9.6) 43.5 (3.2) 108.9 (6.3) N (%): metformin 2 (25.0) N (rounded %): hypertension 7 (88), diabetes mellitus 2 (25), dyslipidaemia 5 (63), arthropathy 6 (75), GERD 1 (13), urinary incontinence 6 (75), depression 7 (88), obstructive sleep apnoea 2 (25), insulin resistance 4 (50)
all: 100 47.8 (9.0) 43.3 (3.4)    
O'Brien 2006 Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band 75 41.8 (6.4) 33.7 (1.8) 96.1 (11.2) %: hypertension 22.5, metabolic syndrome 37.5, coronary artery disease 0
Intensive non‐surgical programme 77.5 40.7 (7.0) 33.5 (1.4) 93.6 (11.9) %: hypertension 17.5, metabolic syndrome 37.5, coronary artery disease 0
Paluszkiewicz 2012 Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 64 43.9 (10.8) 48.6 (5.4) 137.7 (17.7) N (rounded %): hypertension 30 (83), type 2 diabetes 14 (39), dyslipidaemia 31 (86)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 72 44.9 (10.6) 46.1 (5.9) 130.7 (15.5) N (rounded %): hypertension 25 (69), type 2 diabetes 10 (28), dyslipidaemia 31 (86)
all: 68    
Peterli 2012 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 72 42.1 (11.2) 44.2 (5.3) 124.8 (19.8) %: hypertension 59, type 2 diabetes 26, dyslipidaemia 51, obstructive sleep apnoea 42, GERD 46, back/joint arthralgia 68, depression 11
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 72 43.0 (11.1) 43.6 (5.3) 123.5 (19.4) %: hypertension 63, type 2 diabetes 24, dyslipidaemia 67, obstructive sleep apnoea 48, GERD 44, back/joint arthralgia 61, depression 20
all: 72 43.0 (5.3) 44 (11.1)    
Praveen Raj 2012 Laparoscopic duodenojejunal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy 64 39.5 48.28 (3.80) N (%): type 2 diabetes 20 (71), hypertension 10 (36)
Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 55 43.5 49.29 (3.63) N (%): type 2 diabetes 16 (55), hypertension 12 (41)
all: 60    
Schauer 2012 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 58 48.3 (8.4) 37.0 (3.3) 106.7 (14.8) N (%): insulin 22 (44) N (%): type 2 diabetes 50 (100), elevated HbA1c (> 7%) 50 (100), metabolic syndrome 45 (90), dyslipidaemia history 44 (88), hypertension history 35 (70)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 78 47.9 (8.0) 36.2 (3.9) 100.8 (16.4) N (%): insulin 22 (44) N (%): type 2 diabetes 50 (100), elevated HbA1c (> 7%) 50 (100), metabolic syndrome 47 (94), dyslipidaemia history 40 (80), hypertension history 30 (60)
Intensive medical therapy 62 49.7 (7.4) 36.8 (3.0) 106.5 (14.7) N (%): insulin 22 (44) N (%): type 2 diabetes 50 (100), elevated HbA1c (> 7%) 50 (100), metabolic syndrome 46 (92), dyslipidaemia history 36 (84), hypertension history 26 (60)
Sharma 2013 Laparoscopic gastric imbrication 40.5 44.7 (6.1)
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 39.9 44.0 (7.8)
Vix 2013 Laparoscopic Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass 87 35.23 (9.37) 47.09 (5.64) 129.58 (21.17) %: type 2 diabetes 8.9, hypertension 37.8, sleep apnoea syndrome 20.0, vitamin D deficiency 85.7, hypercholesterolaemia 26.7, abnormal LDL 11.1, abnormal HDL 6.7, abnormal triglycerides 17.8, hyperparathyroidism 24.0
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 78 35.13 (9.7) 45.57 (4.79) 128.68 (18.27) %: type 2 diabetes 7.3, hypertension 21.8, sleep apnoea syndrome 9.1, vitamin D deficiency 84.6, hypercholesterolaemia 27.3, abnormal LDL 9.1, abnormal HDL 5.5, abnormal triglycerides 27.3, hyperparathyroidism 28.13
"‐" denotes not reported
aUnclear whether data are based on 16 or 18 participants in this group ‐ the data extracted here assume 18 (16 females and 2 males)
 bN = number completing study
 cBaseline characteristics of per protocol population only presented
dThis was reported as 30.34 in table 1 and 30.94 in table 2
 eData here are from the Nogues paper ‐ those from the associated Ramon paper are slightly different
GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease; HbA1c: glycosylated haemoglobin A1c: HDL: high density lipoprotein; LDL: low density lipoprotein