Figure 3.
Magnetic properties: (a) Magnetization vs. applied magnetic field: (i) the free-standing nanoparticles, (ii) VCL-PEGDA-MNPs-MWCNTs, and (iii) VCL-PEGDA-MNPs-GO. The curves shown reflect measurements at two different temperatures, T = −210 °C (circles) and T = 20 °C (triangles). The solid lines are examples of the fit of the data using the law of approach to saturation (LAS) of Equation (1). (b) Saturation magnetization as a function of temperature: (iv) the free-standing nanoparticles, (v) VCL-PEGDA-MNPs-MWCNTs and (vi) VCL-PEGDA-MNPs-GO. The solid lines match the data showing that MS follows Bloch’s law given Equation (2).