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. 2022 Apr 8;23(8):4148. doi: 10.3390/ijms23084148

Table 1.

Potential biomarkers involved in neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease.

Candidate Biomarker Origin Change Correlated Parameters Reference
IL-1β Serum ↑PD UPDRS-III, MMSE [11]
Serum ↑PD with IB [63]
Serum ↑PD [64]
Serum ≈PD [66]
CSF ↑PD with PRBD [62]
CSF ≈PD [65]
IL-2 Serum ↑PD MMSE [11]
Serum ↑PD [73,74]
sIL-2-R Serum ↑PD [75]
IL-6 Serum ↑PD UPDRS-III [11,78]
Serum ↑PD [73,75,79,80,82,83]
Serum ↑PD with IB [63]
Serum ↑PD CGS, TUG [84]
Serum ↑PD with depression [85]
Serum ↑PD mortality [86]
Serum ↓PD [64]
Serum ≈PD [11,74,76,81]
CSF ↑PD [78,80]
IL-10 Serum ↑PD [11,73,89]
Serum ≈PD [66,90]
TNF-α Serum ↑PD, UPDRS-III, MMSE [11]
Serum ↑PD, [66,75,82]
Serum ↑PD [73]
Serum ↑PD, Body sway, Reaction time [83]
Serum ≈PD with IB [63]
CSF ↑PD, [94]
CSF ↑PD with PRBD [62]
sTNFR1 Serum ↑PD MMSE, Programming task of FAB [97]
RANTES Serum ↑PD [82,100,101,102]
Serum ↑PD H&Y, disease duration [81]
hsCRP Serum ↑PD [106,107]
Plasma ↑PD [105]
Serum ≈PD UPDRS-III, MMSE [11]
Serum ≈PD [75,108]

↑: upregulation; ≈: no change; ↓: downregulation; CGS: Comfortable Gait Speed; FAB: Frontal Assessment Battery; hsCRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; H&Y: Hohn and Yahr Stage; IB: infectious burden; IL: interleukin; sIL-2R: soluble IL-2 receptor; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; PD: Parkinson disease; PRBD: probable REM sleep behavior disorder; RANTES: Regulated Upon Activation, Normal T Cell Expressed And Presumably Secreted; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor α; sTNFR: soluble TNF receptor. TUG: timed up and go test; UPDRS-III: Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale-Part III.