Peroxidase (GPx) activities in workers’ hemolymph along with the aging processes, after using two methods of supplementation with hemp extract. C, control (pure sugar syrup); CSy, hemp extract in syrup; CSt, hemp extract on strips (two-way ANOVA: supplementation method: F(5,1078) = 41,905, p = 0.0000, se ± 0.013879 (C), se ± 0.011332 (CSy), and se ± 0.012849 (CSt); days of supplementation: F(5,1078) = 41,905, p = 0.0000, se ± 0.019628 (1st–35th days), se ± 0.033996 (42nd day and 56th day), se ± 0.024039 (49th day); supplementation method × days of supplementation F(11,1078) = 2910.4, p = 0.0000, and se ± 0.033996). The chart shows statistical averages. The standard deviations for the means in this plot ranged from 0.06757 to 0.47376.