Assessment of cellular immunity upon AddaVax™/’VieVac’ administration. (A1,A2) AddaVax™/’VieVac’ immunization in prime-booster mode and IgG responses in 9 out of 13 mice. Control mice (n = 5) received AddaVax™ only, and test animals received AddaVax™/’VieVac’ containing 10–40 µg protein. (B) Cross-reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 RBD variants, alpha vs. gamma and delta. Sera of n = 6 prime-booster-injected mice with AddaVax™/’VieVac’ were tested for IgGs recognizing alpha as compared to gamma and delta versions of the RBD. (C,D) Effector molecule gene expression in peripheral blood. Granzyme A (C) and perforin (D) expression in peripheral lymphocytes was evaluated by qPCR using a TaqMan probe set. Relative fold expression is indicated in 12 AddaVax™/’VieVac’ prime-booster-injected mice in relation to the mean of n = 5 control mice that had received AddaVax™ adjuvant only. (E1–E6) CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses in ex vivo-stimulated spleen cells. CD4+ T cells (E1–E3) were stimulated ex vivo with N-specific (E1) and S-specific peptides (E2) or PHG (E3). Control mice (n = 5, adjuvant only) were compared to vaccinated mice (n = 13, AddaVax™/’VieVac’). CD8+ T cells (E4–E6) were stimulated ex vivo with N-specific (E4) and S-specific peptides (E5) of PHA (E6). Control mice (n = 5, adjuvant only) were compared to vaccinated mice (n = 13, AddaVax™/’VieVac’).