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. 2002 Jul 22;2002(3):CD003642. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003642.pub2

Chen SH 1997.

Methods Generation of allocation sequence: not stated. 
 Blinding: not used. 
 Sample size estimation: 
 no information. 
 Withdrawal/drop‐out: 5 patients lost at 60 days, 7 at 180 days in treatment group; 9 patients lost at 60 days and 180 days. The reason of loss was not stated.
Participants Ethnic: Chinese; 
 188 patients (96 in treatment group, M/F 55/41, mean age 51.2 years (35‐74), disease duration from 0.3‐15 years; 92 in control group, M/F 53/39, mean age 50.7 years (33‐77), disease duration from 0.1‐17 years). 
 Setting: inpatients and outpatients. 
 Inclusion criteria: type 2 diabetes diagnosed by WHO criteria. 
 Exclusion criteria: unstated.
Interventions Experimental intervention: 
 Jiangtang Kang (powder of herb Chrysanthemum), one bag (8g) orally, t.i.d, for two months.
Control intervention: 
 For 31 naive patients, glibenclamide, 2.5 mg orally, t.i.d., for two months; 
 for previously treated patients, continued their original treatment without any changes, for two months.
After two months' treatment, 85 patients from each group were randomly selected to continue their treatment for further four months.
Outcomes FBG, HbA1c, and serum insulin.
No follow‐up was reported after the end of treatment.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear