Table 1.
Demographic, anthropometric, and clinical characteristics of patients. Data are expressed as mean (±standard deviation, SD), if not otherwise specified. The level of statistical significance was set at a p-level of 0.05. n.s. = not significant; * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01; n.a. = not assessed. IBP = inflammatory back pain; jSpA = juvenile spondyloarthritis; PDUS = power Doppler ultrasound; BMI = body mass index; ESR = erytrosedimentation rate; CRP = C-reactive protein; JSpADA = juvenile spondyloarthritis disease activity; SIJ = sacroiliac joint; RI = resistive index; BME = bone marrow edema; BUSES = Belgrade Ultrasound Enthesitis Score.
Patients Characteristics | Overall Population | Final jSpA Diagnosis | Not jSpA | Statistical Significance |
Number of patients (female/male) |
20 (13/7) |
12 (8/4) |
8 (5/3) |
n.s. |
Age, in years (±SD) | 14.2 (±2.95) | 14.6 (±2.75) | 13.9 (±2.53) | n.s. |
BMI percentile(±SD) | 67.6 (±26.8) | 74.3 (±24) | 54.2 (±29.7) | n.s. |
ESR mm/h(±SD) | 23.8 (±22.9) | 28.9 (±25.2) | 11 (±8.08) | n.s. |
CRP mg/dL (±SD) | 1.04 (±1.58) | 1.31 (±1.79) | 0.51 (±1.01) | n.s. |
jSpADA (±SD) | 2.75 (±1.89) | 2.75 (±1.89) | n.a. | n.a. |
-Patients with PDUS+ -SIJs with PDUS+ |
19 patients (95%) 30 SIJs (75%) |
12 patients (100%) 21 SIJs (87.5%) |
7 patients (87.5%) 9 SIJs (56.2%) |
n.s. n.s. |
SIJs PD grading (±SD) patient level |
1.20 (±0.523) | 1.42 (±0.515) | 0.875 (±0.354) | p = 0.012 * |
SIJs PD grading (±SD) joint level |
0.912 (±0.668) | 1.13 (±0.612) | 0.563 (±0.512) | p = 0.003 ** |
SIJs RI (±SD) patient level | 0.583 (±0.115) | 0.534 (±0.092) | 0.656 (±0.112) | p = 0.024 * |
SIJs RI (±SD) joint level | 0.671 (±0.181) | 0.604 (±0.155) | 0.767 (±0.176) | p = 0.005 ** |
MRI SIJs BME lesions | 12 patients (60%) 22 SIJs (55%) |
12 patients (100%) 22 SIJs (91.6%) |
0 0 |
n.a. |
MRI SIJs capsulitis/enthesitis | 6 patients (30%) 11 SIJs (27.5%) |
6 patients (50%) 11 SIJs (45.8%) |
0 0 |
n.a. |
MRI lumbar spine inflammatory involvement | 5 patients (25%) | 5 patients (41.6%) | 0 | n.a. |
Patients with US enthesitis total amount of US enthesitis BUSES (mean) |
4 patients (20%) 8 1.8 |
3 (25%) 6 1.83 |
1 (12.5%) 2 1.75 |
n.s. n.s. n.s. |