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. 2022 Apr 12;12(4):961. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12040961

Table 2.

Summary of key imaging features of glial and glioneuronal tumors.

Tumor Type Common Location Key MRI Features
Diffuse high-grade gliomas
Diffuse midline glioma (H3K27 altered) Ventral pons and thalami Expansile, ill-defined mass
No diffusion restriction
Usually, non-enhancing at presentation
Encasement of basilar artery without narrowing
Supratentorial high-grade glioma
(H3 G34 mutant or H3 wild-type)
Hemispheric or deep nuclei; most common in frontal and parietal lobes Large, circumscribed tumor
Diffusion restricting solid components
Variable cysts/necrosis and hemorrhage
Circumscribed gliomas
Pilocytic astrocytoma Cerebellum (most common), brainstem, optic chiasm/hypothalamus Most commonly, cyst with enhancing mural nodule although cystic component can be variable, and may be completely solid
Posterior fossa ependymoma Fourth ventricle (PFB) or cerebellopontine angle (PFA) Heterogeneous mass
Calcifications common
Intermediate diffusion (between medulloblastoma and pilocytic astrocytoma)
Usually enhancing
High myo-inositol on MRS
Supratentorial ependymoma Frontal or parietal parenchyma Large mass with necrosis
Central chunky calcifications
Diffusion restriction in two-thirds
Neuronal and glioneuronal tumors
Ganglioglioma Temporal lobe Variable, although commonly cystic with enhancing mural nodule
No diffusion restriction
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) Frontal or temporal lobes, cortically based Well-circumscribed, triangular configuration, ‘bubbly’ appearance
Absent or minimal enhancement
May be associated with cortical dysplasia
Scalloping of the overlying calvarium

(Abbreviations: rCBV, relative cerebral blood volume; MRS, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; NAA, N-acetylaspartate; PFA, posterior fossa A; PFB, posterior fossa B).