Effect of metallothionein on PPE-induced pulmonary damage. (A–C) Wildtype (WT) and MT-1 and -2 gene knockout (MT-KO) mice were treated with sterile saline (Cont) or PPE (10 U/kg) only once, on day 0. Sections of pulmonary tissue were prepared on day 14 and subjected to histopathological examination (H&E staining) (scale bar, 500 µm) (A). Airspace size was estimated by determining the MLI as described in the Materials and Methods (B). Total elastance, tissue elastance, FEV0.05/FVC, and FEV0.1/FVC values were determined on day 14 as described in the Materials and Methods (C). Values are the mean ± S.E.M. # p < 0.05; ** or ## p < 0.01 (**, vs. Control; # or ##, vs. WT). The experiments that produced the data shown in this figure were performed at least twice.