Table 5.
Fixed-Effects Logistic Regression of Being Assessed LFOs
Model 1 Odds Ratio | Model 1 Odds Ratio | ||
Black | 0.96 (0.05) |
Other charge (vs. traffic) | 0.56** (0.12) |
Latinx | 0.75*** (0.04) |
Median income by zip code (logged) | 1.36** (0.13) |
Other or unknown | 0.88 (0.06) |
Constant | 0.08* (0.08) |
Female | 1.13*** (0.04) |
Observations | 8,759,398 |
Pseudo R2 | .08 | ||
Criminal charge (vs. traffic) | 0.47*** (0.04) |
Source: Authors’ tabulation.
Notes: Year and data source (court) fixed effects included, robust standard errors clustered by data source in parentheses. Controls for age of case included but not shown.
p < .001,
p < .01,
p < .05