Table 6.
Model 2 Amount Assessed | Model 3 Paid | Model 4 Balance | |
Black | 20.69 (14.75) |
−42.22*** (7.80) |
68.17*** (9.48) |
Latinx | 15.32 (9.69) |
−8.66** (2.25) |
18.94** (5.40) |
Other or uknown | −4.37** (1.16) |
2.11 (2.03) |
3.79 (4.40) |
Female | −5.51** (1.44) |
−0.12 (2.28) |
0.79 (2.39) |
Criminal charge (vs. traffic) | 90.73** (17.97) |
−20.89 (10.38) |
91.47*** (16.12) |
Other charge (vs. traffic) | 43.84* (14.06) |
−5.35 (9.87) |
72.85*** (9.32) |
Median income by zip code (logged) | −14.26 (8.62) |
22.73* (6.82) |
−37.01*** (4.95) |
Constant | 335.47** (64.75) |
−166.91 (77.00) |
574.65*** (70.13) |
Observations | 5,931,664 | 77,306 | 77,306 |
R2 | 0.04 | 0.15 | 0.10 |
Source: Authors’ tabulation.
Notes: Year and data source (court) fixed effects included, robust standard errors clustered by data source in parentheses. Model 2 estimated among cases charged any LFOs. Models 3 and 4 estimated among charges assessed LFOs, and filed 75 to 105 days prior to data collection. Controls for age of charge included but not shown.
p < .001,
p < .01,
p < .05