Table 7.
Coefficient (Standard Error) | Coefficient (Standard Error) | ||
Black | 54.51* (17.56) |
Other charge (vs. traffic) | 29.85 (15.73) |
Latinx | 23.22** (6.46) |
Median income by zip code (logged) | −26.82* (11.09) |
Other/UK | −6.76* (2.66) |
Constant | 202.09*** (33.60) |
Female | 3.78 (2.30) |
Observations | 7,028,884 |
Criminal charge (vs. traffic) | −23.52 (29.65) |
R2 | 0.13 |
Source: Authors’ tabulation.
Notes: Year and data source (court) fixed effects included, robust standard errors clustered by data source in parentheses. Sample limited to disposed cases filed at least one year prior to the last observation in the data. Controls for age of case included but not shown.
p < .001,
p < .01,
p < .05