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. 2022 Mar 28;9(4):164. doi: 10.3390/vetsci9040164

Table 3.

Fecal characteristics of dogs fed the basic diets supplemented with different levels and particle sizes of MBM (mean ± SD).

Parameters Particle Size p-Value
Coarse Fine
Level Particle Size Level Particle Size × Level
MBMc6 MBMc12 MBMc24 MBMf6 MBMf12 MBMf24
Defecation frequency (n/d) 2.60 ± 0.34 2.97 ± 0.57 3.20 ± 0.34 2.73 ± 0.70 2.53 ± 0.58 3.37 ± 0.95 0.8407 0.0904 0.1458
Amount of feces (g DM/d) 67.4 b ± 8.06 73.7 b ± 4.40 81.5 a ± 5.78 70.4 b ± 5.28 73.5 b ± 13.2 87.4 a ± 4.05 0.0800 0.0333 0.0192
Fecal score (1–5) 2.61 a ± 0.19 2.21 b ± 0.12 1.82 c ± 0.23 2.56 a ± 0.22 2.37 b ± 0.17 1.90 c ± 0.22 0.5985 <0.0001 <0.0001
DM content (%) 31.8 b ± 2.04 34.4 a ± 1.28 35.4 a ± 1.98 32.0 b ± 1.60 33.8 ab ± 1.76 36.2 a ± 2.10 0.8778 0.0005 0.0011
pH value 7.21 b ± 0.62 7.17 b ± 0.22 7.30 a ± 0.14 7.03 b ± 0.10 7.18 b ± 0.18 7.47 a ± 0.12 0.9863 0.0001 0.0003

MBM = Meat and bone meal, c = coarse, f = fine. a,b,c Means in a row with different superscripts differ significantly (p < 0.05). Fecal scores were recorded using a five-point scale (1 = very hard to 5 = watery diarrhea).