Maturation of neurons and glial cells in the dentate gyrus and effects of early life stress. Early life stress interferes with maturation of both neurons and glia in the DG, resulting in the development of abnormal neural networks in adulthood. These aberrant networks form the basis for perturbed stress response and the development of brain pathologies (cognitive and emotional disturbances), their manifest being potentiated by stressful experiences in later life. BLBP—basic lipid-binding protein, C–R cells—Cajal–Retzius cells, DAP12—DNAX activating protein of 12 kDa, Dcx—doublecortin, EAAT1—excitatory amino acid transporter-1, EW—embryonic week 3, GFAP—glial fibrillary acidic protein, GLT1—glutamate transporter-1, IGF-1—insuline-like growth factor-1, PW—postnatal weeks, Tmem119—transmembrane protein 119, TSP 1 and 2—trombospondines 1 and 2, ROS—reactive oxygen species.