Binding of DNA duplexes to MutS(A469C). (a) Binding efficiency. Formation of the MutS(A469C) complex with an unmodified G/T-containing duplex is set to 100%. The standard deviation from the mean of at least three experiments is indicated; p < 0.05. (b) Analysis of complex formation between MutS(A469C) and 32P-labelled duplexes 17GT-dUsethynyl-8, 17GT-dUmethynyl-8, 17GT-dUlethynyl-8 (top panel), 17GT-dUsethynyl-11, 17GT-dUmethynyl-11 and 17GT-dUlethynyl-11 (bottom panel) by an electrophoresis mobility shift assay (EMSA). DNA concentration was 0.5 µM. MutS(A469C) concentration was 1 µM (a, lanes 1) or 2.5 µM (lanes 2). Lanes K correspond to DNA without the protein. Autoradiograph of a 6% polyacrylamide gel.