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. 2021 Oct 26;4:100086. doi: 10.1016/j.rcsop.2021.100086

Table 3.

Numbers (and percentages) of pharmacies that provided correct and incorrect advice and had a positive score on individual problem analysis questions.

Year 2014



Correct advice Incorrect advice Correct advice Incorrect advice Correct advice Incorrect advice
Number of pharmacies 277 396 646 27 143 530
WWHAM questions
Who (W) 149 (53.8%) 160 (40.4%) 454 (70.3%) 17 (63.0%) 139 (97.2%)⁎⁎ 430 (81.1%)⁎⁎
Symptoms, in general (W) 277 (100.0%) 239 (60.4%) 577 (89.3%) 26 (96.3%) 143 100.0%)⁎⁎ 389 (73.4%)⁎⁎
Hay feverª 248 (89.5%) 116 (29.3%) NA NA 124 (86.7%)⁎⁎ 198 (37.6%)⁎⁎
Common coldᵇ 114 (41.2%) 126 (31.8%) NA NA 76 (53.1%)⁎⁎ 207 (39.1%)⁎⁎
Both 109 (39.4%) 63 (15.9%) NA NA 72 (50.3%)⁎⁎ 110 (20.8%)⁎⁎
How long symptoms present (H) 177 (63.9%) 121 (30.6%) 153 (23.7%) 9 (33.3%) 111 (77.6%)⁎⁎ 230 (43.4%)⁎⁎
Action taken (A) 155 (56.0%) 134 (33.8%) 464 (71.8%) 14 (51.9%) 106 (74.1%)⁎⁎ 257 (48.5%)⁎⁎
Other medication (M) 213 (76.9%) 151 (38.1%) 460 (71.2%) 23 (85.2%) 121 (84.6%)⁎⁎ 222 (41.9%)⁎⁎

Additional questions
When symptoms occur 109 (39.4%) 47 (11.9%) 167 (25.9%) 14 (14.8%) 92 (64.3%)⁎⁎ 92 (17.4%)⁎⁎
Familiar symptoms 160 (61.0%) 83 (21.0%) 209 (32.4%) 1 (3.7%) 103 (72.0%)⁎⁎ 137 (25.8%)⁎⁎

ª itching nose, sneezing, running nose, itching and tearing eyes, itching palate.

ᵇ stuffy nose, mucus appearance, sore throat, earache, elevated body temperature, fever or general malaise.

statistical significance of difference between groups with and without correct advice in 2014, tested by chi-square (p < 0.05).


statistical significance of difference between groups with and without correct advice in 2018, tested by chi-square (p < 0.05).