Table 6.
Percentages (numbers) of pharmacies for positive scores on general communication characteristics, stratified for correct and incorrect advice.
Year | 2014 |
2016 |
2018 |
Correct advice | Incorrect advice | Correct advice | Incorrect advice | Correct advice | Incorrect advice | |
Number of pharmacies | 277 | 396 | 646 | 27 | 143 | 530 |
Friendly greeting | 98.9 (274) | 99.2 (393) | 99.4 (642) | 96.3 (26) | 100.0(143) | 99.6 (528) |
Eye contact | 100.0 (277) | 99.2 (393) | 99.4 (642) | 92.6 (25) | 99.3 (42) | 99.4 (527) |
Sufficient consulting time | 99,6 (276)⁎ | 89,1 (353)⁎ | 97,8 (632) | 96,3 (26) | 100,0 (143)⁎⁎ | 95,5 (506)⁎⁎ |
Appropriate talking volume | 98,2 (272) | 97,5 (386) | 96,3 (622) | 92,6 (25) | 97,9 (140) | 97,2 (515) |
Without interruption from others | 97,8 (271) | 98,2 (389) | 98,5 (636) | 100,0 (27) | 97,2 (139) | 98,3 (521) |
Appropriate language | 99,6 (276) | 100,0 (396) | 100,0 (646) | 100,0 (27) | 99,3 (142) | 99,6 (528) |
Calm and clear voice | 100,0 (277) | 99.2 (393) | 98,5 (636) | 100,0 (27) | 98.6 (141) | 99.2 (526) |
Confident appearance | 96,8 (268) | 94.7 (375) | 98,9 (639) | 96,3 (26) | 97.0 (140) | 96.8 (513) |
Appropriate ending of the conversation | 98,2 (272)⁎ | 91.2 (361)⁎ | 93,8 (606) | 96,3 (26) | 100.0 (143) | 98.9 (524) |
SP content on being served | 98,9 274)⁎ | 82.3 (326)⁎ | 99,1 (640) | 85,2 (23) | 100.0 (143)⁎⁎ | 91.3 (484)⁎⁎ |
Assistant repeats agreements or actions | 66,4 (184)⁎ | 37.1 (147)⁎ | 36,2 (234) | 51,9 (14) | 80.4 (115)⁎⁎ | 47.0 (249)⁎⁎ |
Assistant explicitly asks if everything is clear/understood | 65,3 (181)⁎ | 42.2 (168)⁎ | 58,7 (379) | 55,6 (15) | 44.1 (63)⁎⁎ | 14.0 (74)⁎⁎ |
Assistant mentions possibility to call or visit the pharmacy for questions or persistent complaints | 25,3 (70)⁎ | 7.6 (30)⁎ | 23,1 (149) | 25,9 (7) | 50.3 (72)⁎⁎ | 13.6 (72)⁎⁎ |
statistical significance tested by Chi-Square test, difference significant if p < 0.05.
statistical significance tested by Chi-Square test, difference significant if p < 0.05.