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. 2022 Mar 28;24(4):465. doi: 10.3390/e24040465

Table 3.

Evaluation criteria and performance measures for hepatic vessel skeletonization (analysis). True positives (TP) are pixels classified correctly as positive, false positives (FP) are pixels classified incorrectly as positive, true negatives (TN) are pixels classified correctly as not positive and false negatives (FN) are pixels classified incorrectly as not positive.

Metrics Formula Description
Dice [64] Dice=2TP2TP+FP+FN Similarity between two sample sets.
Accuracy [65] Accuracy=TP+TNTP+TN+FP+FN Proportion of detected true samples that are actually
Sensitivity; recall; true
positive rate (TPR) [66]
Sensitivity=TPTP+TN Proportion of positives that are correctly identified.
Specificity [66] Specificity=TNFP+TN Proportion of negatives that are correctly identified.
False positive rate (FPR) [67] FPR=FPFP+TN Ratio of the number of negative samples wrongly
categorized as positive (FP) to the total number
of actual negative samples.
False negative rate (FNR) [67] FNR=FNFN+TP Ratio of the number of positive samples wrongly
categorized as negative (FN) to the total number
of actual positive samples.
Root mean standard
error (RMSE) [68]
RMSE=1|R|(i=1|R||dR|) Measure of the average squared difference between the
result R and the actual value T (ground truth), where
dR denotes the distances from points R to points T.
Hausdorff distance (HD) [60] dH(A,B)=max{supaAinfbBd(a,b),
Overlapping index, which measures the largest
Euclidean distance between two contours A and B
and vice versa, computed over all pixels of each curve.