Figure 4.
Agenesis of ductus venosus (ADV) in a case with interrupted inferior vena cava and narrow intrahepatic shunt and typical portal venous system at 20 weeks of gestation (case 3). Vascular abnormalities are detected in the upper abdomen. (A): Color Doppler imaging, showing ADV with umbilical vein drainage into a hepatic vein. (B): Transverse abdominal plane at the level of the portal confluent, with normal appearance. (C): Coronal view of the abdomen and thorax showing absence of the hepatic segment with hemiazygos continuation. (D): Duplex evaluation (greyscale and color Doppler) shows hemiazygos vein drainage into the superior vena cava evident in the three-vessel and trachea view. UV umbilical vein, PS portal system, IVC inferior vena cava, HV hepatic vein, SVC superior vena cava, Ao aorta; hAz hemiazygos, St stomach.