Table 2.
List of plant species recorded and their ethno-botanical usage in Jammu and Kashmir, Western Himalaya, India.
Family | Scientific Name Voucher Number (Abbreviation) |
Local Name | Parts Used | Preparations | Ethnobotanical Applications | Conservation Status | Ethnic Groups | Use Value | Citation |
Adoxaceae |
Sambucus wightiana Wall. ex Wight &Arn. SMH-495 (Sam.wig) |
Ganullo (G) Faqual (B) Fallo (K) Felo (P) |
Leaves Roots Stem Fruit |
Fresh roots Leaves are dried and powdered | Roots are eaten in small amounts to treat asthma. (G,B) Sap of leaves and stem are applied for wound healing, mostly in cattle. (G,P) Mature fruits are used as an alternative as adhesive locally. (K) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 15) Bakarwal (N = 13) Kashmiri (N = 16) Pahari (N = 12) |
0.11 | 56 |
Agaricaceae |
Bovista plumbea Pers. SMH-426 (Bov-plu) |
Madaam (G) Mangri (B) Sore (P) |
Fruiting body | Raw fruiting body. | Fruiting bodies are used as food and as homeopath medicine. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 19) Bakarwal (N = 22) Pahari (N = 24) |
0.13 | 65 |
Scleroderma bovista Fr. SMH-500 (Scl-bov) |
Mongar (G) Mangd (P) Mangdi (B) |
Fruiting body | Fresh fruiting body | Fruit body is cooked. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 18) Bakarwal (N = 22) Pahari (N = 24) |
0.13 | 64 | |
Amaranthaceae |
Amaranthus blitum L. SMH-414 (Ama-blit) |
Kanhaar (G) Ganhar (k) Gan (D) Rata (P) |
Seeds Leaves |
Seeds are dried and powdered. Leaves are boiled, fried with spices. |
Seeds are used to cure continuous sneezing and rhinorrhea, back pain. (G,P) Leaves used as food. (K, D) Seeds are also used to wind off the ill effects of black magic. (K, D) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 25) Kashmiri (N = 29) Pahari (N = 23) Dogra (N = 20) |
0.20 | 97 |
Celosia argentea L. SMH-429 (Cel-arg) |
Mawal (G) Mawl (D) |
Seeds Leaves |
Seeds are dried and powdered. | Seeds with water are used for anti-diarrheal and leaves are eaten as vegetables. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 55) Dogra (N = 50) |
0.21 | 105 | |
Amaryllidaceae |
Allium semenovii Regel SMH-413 |
Wan pran (G) Jangli pran (B) Prun (P) |
Roots Leaves |
Cooked. | Roots and leaves are used as vegetables, spices and condiments. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 30 Bakarwal (N = 32) Pahari (N = 27) |
0.18 | 89 |
Apiaceae |
Angelica glauca Edgew. SMH-416 (Ang-gla) |
Choro (G) Chre (P) Sore (B) |
Leaves Roots |
Cooked. | A recipe is made from the leaves in combination with the kidney bean curry used to treat obesity (G,P) Roots are used as spice. * |
Endangered | Gujjar (N = 31) Bakarwal (N = 47) Pahari (N = 45) |
0.25 | 123 |
Berula erecta Huds… SMH-424 (Ber-ere) |
Coville (G) Shungji (P) |
Roots | Roots are eaten raw. | Roots are eaten and held in the mouth to relieve toothache. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 32) Pahari (N = 43) |
0.15 | 75 | |
Bunium persicum Boiss. (SMH-308) |
Zuur (K) Zeera (B,P,G) Kala zeera (D) |
Seed | Raw Cooked |
Seeds are cooked with rice locally called as zeera rice. | Gujjar (N = 19) Bakarwal (N = 24) Kashmiri (N = 39) Pahari (N = 21) Dogra (N = 15) |
0.24 | 118 | ||
Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC SMH-454 (Her-can) |
Wanntamokh (G) Tamboko (P) Tamooq (B) |
Roots Leaves |
Roots are made into paste. Leaves dried. |
Root paste is applied on joints by arthritis patients to relieve pain. (G) Leaves are used in cigarettes. (P) Fresh aerial parts eaten by shepherds as salad. * Leaves are locally given to cattle to increase milk production. (G,P) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 19) Bakarwal (N = 23) Pahari (N = 32) |
0.15 | 74 | |
Apocynaceae |
Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. Aiton SMH-513 (Cal-pro) |
Aak (G) Aaak (D) |
Fruit Flower |
Raw fruit is used. | Fruit is used as poison (G). In Hinduism flowers are used to praise their deity Hunuman. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 14) Dogra (N = 68) |
0.17 | 82 |
Asphodelaceae |
Eremurus himalaicus Baker SMH-446 (Ere-him) |
SheilHaakh (G) Haaq (B) |
Leaves Stem |
Cooked | Young leaves are used as vegetables. (G) Stem is chewed and used in raw form for juice (B) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 38) Bakarwal (N = 41) |
0.16 | 79 |
Asteraceae |
Achillea millefolium L SMH-403 (Ach-mil) |
Gandhna (G) Dare (B) Pahelgassa (K) Kaa (P) |
Root Leaves Stem |
Crushed. | Roots are used against toothache. (K) Aerial parts are used as fodder and crushed into balls then fed animals to remove abdominal worms. (B,P,G) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 22) Bakarwal (N = 28) Kashmiri (N = 34) Pahari (N = 28) |
0.23 | 112 |
Artemisia absinthium L SMH-419 (Art-abs) |
Tethyan (K) Chawoo (G) Chaw (P) |
Leaves Flowers |
Leaves and flowers are dried and powdered and taken with water. | Leaves and flowers used as anthelmintic and used to treat joint pain. * Flowers are fed to animals to remove abdominal worms. (K,P) |
Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 68) Gujjar (N = 38) Pahari (N = 36) |
0.29 | 142 | |
Aucklandia costus Falc. SMH-496 (Auc-cos) |
Kuth (K) Kushtha (P,B) Kosath (D) |
Roots Leaves |
Roots are used fresh and also sun dried. Leaves are cooked. |
Roots are used for treatment of dysentery, rheumatism, skin disorder, cough, cold and bronchial asthma. * Leaves are used as vegetables. (P,D) |
Critically Endangered | Bakarwal (N = 26) Kashmiri (N = 32) Pahari (N = 38) Dogra (N = 14) |
0.23 | 110 | |
Cichorium intybus L. SMH-532 (Cic-int) |
Posh hand (K) Saze hand (P) Padee (G) |
Roots Leaves |
Leaves and roots are cooked. Syrup is made from roots. |
Leaves are given as vegetables to women during pregnancy. (K) Roots are used to fight typhoid. (G) Whole plant is used to treat ulcers and as a blood purifier. (P) Root is cooked as a vegetable. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 36) Kashmiri (N = 51) Pahari (N = 41) |
0.26 | 128 | |
Dolomiaea macrocephala DC. ex Royle SMH-462 (Dol-mac) |
Guggal Dhoop (G,P) Thandijaid (K) |
Roots | Raw roots are used | Roots are used as a stimulant and treatment for fever and back pain. (G,P) The roots are also used for making traditional medicine recipes locally called Nashasta. (K) Used to treat body weakness and lower back pain. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 43) Kashmiri (N = 64) Pahari (N = 22) |
0.28 | 129 | |
Himalaiella heteromalla (D. Don) Raab-Straube SMH-497 (Him-het) |
Kalizri (G) Kalzre (P) |
Leaves Roots |
Leaves are made into paste and mixed with mustard oil. Roots are made into decoction. |
Leaf paste with mustard oil is massaged on leucoderma and wounds. * Roots are used to treat fever. (G) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 41) Pahari (N = 52) |
0.19 | 93 | |
Inula royleana DC SMH-458 (Inu-roy) |
Poshkar (G) Pushkarmula (B) Hasubkual (P) Maleen (P) |
Roots | Dried roots are used. | Roots are used as disinfectant, mainly used to protect garments from insect damage. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 21) Bakarwal (N = 23) Pahari (N = 34) |
0.16 | 78 | |
Saussurea amabilis Kitam. SMH-498 (Sau-ama) |
Brahmkamal (G,P) Pangchi (B) |
Leaves | Decoction is obtained from leaves. | Leaves are used for treatment of paralysis, wounds, pain and urinary problems. * | Critically Endangered | Gujjar (N = 32) Bakarwal (N = 19) Pahari (N = 47) |
0.20 | 98 | |
Saussurea roylei (DC.) Sch. Bip SMH-499 (Sau-roy) |
Koth (G) Qoath (B) Oath (P) |
Whole plant | Plant is shade dried and powdered. | Dried powdered is used in the treatment of wounds, excessive bleeding, and meat poisoning. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 34) Bakarwal (N = 19) Pahari (N = 47) |
0.21 | 100 | |
Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg SMH-504 (Tar-off) |
Hand (K) Handri (G,P) Haandi (B) Karti (D) |
Leaves Roots |
Leaves are boiled and fried with spices. Leaves are also boiled in water for more than an hour. Roots are boiled in water. |
Leaves are used as vegetables and roots are also edible, especially given to the ladies who have given birth to babies. * Leaves are also used with other herbs for bathing the same ladies and their young ones. (K) Roots are used as fodder to increase milk production. (G,P) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 19) Bakarwal (N = 24) Kashmiri (N = 39) Pahari (N = 21) Dogra (N = 15) |
0.24 | 118 | |
Araceae |
Acorus calamus L. SMH-407 (Aco-cal) |
Bariyan (G) Bareen (P) Vai Vai (B) Gander (K) |
Rhizomes | Rhizomes are dried and powdered. | Rhizomes are used for treating digestive and nervous disorders. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 28) Pahari (N = 32) Bakarwal (N = 19) Kashmiri (N = 59) |
0.28 | 138 |
Balsaminaceae |
Impatiens glandulifera Royle SMH-456 (Imp-gla) |
Treeli phal (G,P) Masar (B) |
Flowers Whole plant |
Flowers boiled in water for 5 min. Plants are made into paste. |
Flowers are used as a cooling tonic. (G,B) Plant paste is applied to joints to relieve pain. (P) Seeds are eaten raw. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 33) Bakarwal (N = 38) Pahari (N = 43) |
0.23 | 114 |
Berberidaceae |
Podophyllum hexandrum Royle SMH-481 (Pod-hex) |
Banwagun (G) Gulkakkri (P) Papri (B) Soz (K) |
Roots Fruits |
Roots are dried, powdered and taken with water. | Roots are used for the treatment of lung cancer. (K) Fruits are eaten when ripe. * |
Critically Endangered | Gujjar (N = 35) Kashmiri (N = 37) Bakarwal (N = 28) Pahari (N = 32) |
0.27 | 132 |
Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC SMH-420 (Ber-asi) |
Kaimbli (P) Kingora (G) Dandleder (K) |
Roots Stem Fruits |
Dried roots are boiled to get black liquid. | Roots used as laxative and tonic. (P,G) Stem is used as fuel wood. * Fruits are eaten by children. * |
Least Concern | Pahari (N = 42) Gujjar (N = 25) Kashmiri (N = 32) |
0.21 | 99 | |
Berberis lycium Royle SMH-421 (Ber-lyc) |
Kamblu (G) Sumblu (G) Kawdasch (K) Chonphal (P) |
Roots Stem Fruits |
Roots are dried, powdered and taken with water. | Roots are used for bleeding piles and fever. (K) Stem is used as fuel wood. * Fruits are eaten by children. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 17) Kashmiri (N = 52) Pahari (N = 48) |
0.24 | 117 | |
Betulaceae |
Betula utilis D. Don SMH-425 (Bet-uti) |
Bhojpatra (G) Burza (K) Borzal (B) Burez (P) Burjaa (D) |
Bark Stem leaves |
Bark is boiled in water for more than 30 min. | Bark is used to make tea by the locals and also used by spiritual healers to write scrolls. * Stem is used as fuelwood. (P,G) Stem is cut and modified into glass like vessel in which water is put overnight take empty stomach in morning to treat diabetes. (K) Leaves are used as fodder. * |
Endangered | Gujjar (N = 21) Bakarwal (N = 15) Kashmiri (N = 23) Pahari (N = 21) Dogra (N = 15) |
0.19 | 95 |
Boraginaceae |
Cynoglossum glochidiatum Wall. ex Benth.) SMH-435 (Cyn-glo) |
Cherun (G) Chree (P) |
Seeds | Seeds kept in water for some time before use. | Seeds are used against erectile dysfunction and for improvement of fertility. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 36) Pahari (N = 42) |
0.16 | 78 |
Arnebia benthamii (Wall. ex G. Don) I.M. Johnst SMH-417 (Arn-ben) |
Kahzabaan (K,B,G,P) Gaozabaan (D) |
Roots Flowers |
Roots are dried, powdered and used with lukewarm water. Flowers are dried and powdered. |
Dried powdered roots with lukewarm water are used against fever and cough. * Flowers are used as cardiac drug. (G) Meanwhile tea is also obtained from both roots and flowers (K,P) |
Critically Endangered | Gujjar (N = 29) Bakarwal (N = 21) Kashmiri (N = 36) Pahari (N = 21) Dogra (N = 27) |
0.27 | 134 | |
Arnebia euchroma Royle SMH-418 (Arn-euc) |
Zabermuks (G) Raktmundi (B) Jadi (P) Ratanjog (K) Rentnigog (D) |
Root | Root extract mixed with butter. | Root is used for treating hair growth problems *. | Critically Endangered | Gujjar (N = 20) Bakarwal (N = 19) Kashmiri (N = 23) Pahari (N = 24) Dogra (N = 16) |
0.21 | 105 | |
Brassicaceae |
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik SMH-427 (Cap-bur-pas) |
Kralmond (K) Soontsabz (B) Qoralmunj (P,G) Karl (D) |
Leaves Shoots |
Raw leaves and shoots are used. | Leaves and shoots are taken with meals as vegetables, also used as fodder. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 15) Bakarwal (N = 29) Kashmiri (N = 32) Pahari (N = 20) Dogra (N = 18) |
0.26 | 114 |
Brassica campestris L SMH-523 (Bra-cam) |
Tilgagul (K) Sarsoon (G,P) Sarcoo (D) |
Seeds Seed oil |
Seeds are dried, powdered and taken with milk. Dried seeds are taken to a local oil extracting machine to get oil. | Seeds are used to improve impotence. (K) Seed oil is used in cultural festivals like Diwali to light the lamps called Deepak. * Seeds are also to wind off evil. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 20) Kashmiri (N = 31) Pahari (N = 29) Dogra (N = 28) |
0.22 | 108 | |
Cannabaceae |
Celtis australis L SMH-430 (Cel-aus) |
Bramij (K) Batkal (P) |
Leaves Stem Fruits |
Fresh leaves, dried stems and raw fresh fruits are used. | Leaves used as fodder and stem as fuelwood. * Fruits eaten raw by children. * Small stem is hung in the house for the protection of children from evil eyes. * |
Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 84) Pahari (N = 19) |
0.21 | 103 |
Cannabis sativa L. SMH-517 (Can-sat) |
Bhang (G) Bang (P) Pang (B, D) Charas (K) |
Fruits Leaves |
Fruits are made into paste. Fresh leaves are crushed and applied topically. | Fruits are used for the treatment of psoriasis, itching and leprosy. * Paste of leaves is served with drinks in the festival “Holi” called Bhang. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 20) Bakarwal (N = 05) Kashmiri (N = 14) Pahari (N = 13) Dogra (N = 21) |
0.15 | 73 | |
Caprifoliaceae |
Dipsacus inermis Wallich SMH-442 (Dip-ine) |
Shinglin (P) Mingli (P) | Leaves | Decoction is obtained from leaves. | Leaves are used to cure swellings and pain. * Leaves are also given to cows after delivery to keep healthy and increase milk yield. * |
Least Concern | Pahari (N = 63) | 0.13 | 63 |
Morina coulteriana Royle SH-468 (Mor-cou) |
Jamnoo (G) Bhuss (P) |
Roots | Roots are shade dried. | Roots are used to protect garments from insect damage. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 21) Pahari (N = 38) |
0.19 | 59 | |
Cupressaceae |
Juniperus communis L SMH-460 (Jum-com) |
Yathur (B) Bitru (G) Bita (P) |
Whole plant | Plant is burned to ashes. | Plant (Ash) is used for tooth aching. Above ground parts are used as fuel wood by nomadic people, leaves are used as alternatives to incense. * | Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 26) Gujjar (N = 21) Pahari (N = 38) |
0.17 | 85 |
Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don SMH-461 (Jun-squ) |
Yathur (B) Bita (P) Butul (G) |
Whole plant | Plant is sun dried and powdered and mixed with water. | Plant is used in different skin diseases. (G,P) Above ground parts are used as fuel wood. (P) Leaves are used as an alternative to incense. * |
Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 24) Gujjar (N = 21) Pahari (N = 27) |
0.15 | 72 | |
Dioscoreaceae |
Dioscorea belophylla (Prain) Voigt ex Haines SMH-440 (Dio-bel) |
Tilpush (G) Tilmoha (G) Contres (D) |
Rhizomes | Cooked | Raw rhizomes are cooked, used for treatment of piles, dysentery, cough and cold. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 41) Dogra (N = 38) |
0.16 | 79 |
Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. ex Griseb SMH-441 (Dio-del) |
Tard (K) Kinns (G) Krees (P) Descoria (P) |
Aerial part Rhizomes |
Aerial parts are cooked. Raw rhizomes are used. |
Aerial parts are consumed as vegetables. * Rhizomes are used for treatment of digestive and abdominal disorders. (G,K) |
Critically Endangered | Gujjar (N = 22) Kashmiri (N = 41) Pahari (N = 40) |
0.21 | 103 | |
Dryopteridaceae |
Dryopteris stewartii Fraser-Jenk. SMH-443 (Dry-ste) |
Kunji (G) Daid (K) Dedui (P) |
Young fronds | Cooked | Young fronds are used as vegetables. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 35) Kashmiri (N = 41) Pahari (N = 39) |
0.24 | 115 |
Ephedraceae |
Ephedra gerardiana Wallich ex C. A. Meyer SMH-444 (Eph-ger) |
Sutuchur (G) Chhepath (G) Asmanibuti (P) |
Young fronds Fruits |
Raw young fronds are used | Young fronds are used for treatment for bronchitis, cold, cough and asthma. * Fruits are sometimes eaten raw. * |
Vulnerable | Gujjar (N = 65) Pahari (N = 69) |
0.27 | 134 |
Equisetaceae |
Equisetum arvense L. SMH-445 (Equ-arv) |
Gandumgud (K) Sategandie (K) |
Whole plant | Plant is dried and powdered and then taken with cow milk. | Plant is used for acidity, kidney infection and toothaches, meanwhile plants is also used for washing utensils *. | Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 100) | 0.20 | 100 |
Ericaceae |
Rhododendron arboreum Sm. SMH-489 (Rho-arb) |
Nichhni (G,B) Rattanbat (D) |
Flowers | Flowers are boiled in water and taken orally. | Flowers boiled in water are used for the treatment of headache, diabetes, rheumatism *. | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 20) Bakarwal (N = 36) Dogra (N = 18) |
0.15 | 74 |
Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don SMH-490 (Rho-cam) |
Cheu (G) Hardhulla (G) Madhal (B) Burans (B) |
Leaves Flowers | Raw leaves are used. Flowers are sun dried. |
Leaves are used to induce vomiting. (B) Dried petals are used for making tea. * Flowers are used wishing the splendor of crops for never ending food security. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 39) Bakarwal (N = 43) |
0.17 | 82 | |
Elaeocarpaceae |
Elaeocarpus angustifolius Blume SMH-515 (Ela-ang) |
Rudraksh (G,D) | Seeds | Dried seeds are used. | Seeds are used to Worship Lord Shiva a deity in Hinduism. * | Least Concern | Dogra (N = 74) Gujjar (N = 06) |
0.16 | 80 |
Euphorbiaceae |
Euphorbia wallichii Hook. f SMH-448 (Eup-wal) |
Konpal (G) Pencil (B) Hirbi (B) |
Stem sap | Stem is nailed and sap is obtained. | Stem sap is used for treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache and against skin problems. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 51) Bakarwal (N = 59) |
0.22 | 110 |
Fabaceae |
Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth SMH-412 (Alb-leb) |
Siris (G) Sareen (G) Sirinn (D) Shirish (D) |
Bark | Bark is dried, powdered and used with honey. | Dried powdered bark is used in treating bronchitis. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 31) Dogra (N = 24) |
0.11 | 55 |
Dalbergia sissoo D SMH-531 (Dal-sis) |
Sheeshum (G) Shasm (B) Shai (D) |
Stem Leaves |
Dried stem is used. | Stem is used as timber and leaves as fodder. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 25) Bakarwal (N = 27) Dogra (N = 18) |
0.14 | 70 | |
Indigofera heterantha Brandis SMH-437 (Ind-het) |
Zind (G) Kes (K) Yti (P) |
Leaves Twigs |
Cooked. | Leaves are used as vegetable. (P) Flexible long twigs are used to make traditional fire pots (Kangri) for heating purposes in winter. (K) Leaves are used as fodder. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 39) Kashmiri (N = 31) Pahari (N = 35) |
0.21 | 105 | |
Trifolium pratense L. SMH-507 (Tri-pra) |
Khanda posh (K) Khubpos (G) Gujjurposh (P) Uyti (D) |
Leaves flower |
Cooked. | Leaves are used as vegetables. * Leaves are also used as fodder to increase milk yield. (K) Flowers are eaten raw. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 27) Kashmiri (N = 45) Pahari (N = 19) Dogra (N = 18) |
0.22 | 109 | |
Trifolium repens L. SMH-508 (Tri-rep) |
Khanda (G) Posh (P) Putre (D) Fool (K) |
Leaves flower |
Leaves are boiled in water and fried with spices. | Fresh parts are eaten as salad and leaves are used as vegetables, meanwhile leaves are also used as fodder to increase milk yield. * Flowers are eaten raw. (K) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 28) Kashmiri (N = 39) Pahari (N = 31) Dogra (N = 10) |
0.22 | 108 | |
Gentianaceae |
Gentiana kurroo Royle SMH-452 (Gen-kur) |
Tratmaan (G) Karu (G) Pashanbhed (P) |
Leaves | Juice is extracted from the leaves by grinding then squeezing in a cotton cloth. | Leaves are used as bitter tonic for improving appetite and gastric secretion. * | Critically Endangered | Gujjar (N = 41) Pahari (N = 72) |
0.23 | 113 |
Geraniaceae |
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér. SMH-447 (Ero-cic) |
Gardyan (K) | Whole plant | Whole plant is grinded and mixed with water. | Whole plant is used as a uterine sedative and skin infection. * | Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 65) | 0.13 | 65 |
Hamamelidaceae |
Parrotiopsis jacquemontiana (Decne.) Rehder SMH-471 (Par-jac) |
Pooh (K) Kodi (P) Kedai (G) Hosi (B) |
Stem Twigs Leaves |
Dried stems and twigs are used. Leaves are used in both dry and green form. | Stem is used for handling agricultural equipment; fuel wood and leaves are used as fodder. * Twigs of flexible long twigs are used to make traditional fire pots (Kangri) for heating purposes in winter. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 29) Bakarwal (N = 25) Kashmiri (N = 39) Pahari (N = 26) |
0.24 | 119 |
Iridaceae |
Iris nepalensis Lawr. SMH-459 (Iri-nep) |
Mazar mond (K) | Rhizomes | Raw rhizomes are used along with decoction. | Rhizomes are used against rodents in apple orchards and vegetable gardens, decoction is used for treatment of rheumatism. (K) | Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 103) | 0.21 | 103 |
Lamiaceae |
Ajuga parviflora Benth. SMH-411 (Aju-par) |
Khurbanti (B) Jaan e Adam (P) |
Leaves | Raw dried leaves are used. | Leaves are used for gastric problems in children and also used to cure mouth ulcers. * | Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 70) Pahari (N = 68) |
0.28 | 138 |
Mentha arvensis L. SMH-467 (Men-arv) |
Pudino (P) Fadna (K) |
Leaves | Raw leaves are used. | Leaves are used against indigestion and stomach inflammation. * Leaves added as spice and condiment. (K) |
Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 94) Pahari (N = 30) |
0.25 | 124 | |
Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. SMH-480 (Ple-amb) |
Patta (D) Ajwain (G) |
Leaves | Cooked. | Leaves are used as vegetables, and also used for making tea. * | Vulnerable | Gujjar (N = 45) Dogra (N = 34) |
0.16 | 79 | |
Prunella vulgaris L. SMH-484 (Pru-vul) |
Kalveuth (K) | Aerial part Flowers |
Aerial part and flowers are boiled in water and used. |
Flowers are used for rheumatism and piles, and also for headaches and common colds. (K) Flowers are also used in bathing the ladies who have given birth to young ones. (K) Flowers are mixed with the flowers of other species like Cichorium intybus, Arnebia benthamii to make herbal tea. (K) Aerial parts are boiled in water, used to wash the feet of COVID-19 patients for lowering the body fever. (K) |
Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 100) | 0.20 | 100 | |
Thymus linearis Benth. SMH-506 (Thy-lin) |
Ajwain (G) Jaind (K) Jayeen (P) |
Whole plants | Plant is dried and powdered, used with water. | Plant is used to treat coughs, relieve digestive gas, and protect against hookworm. (K) Leaves are used as spice and condiment * Whole plant is used to wash and clean the pots used for milk. (G,P) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 40) Kashmiri (N = 31) Pahari (N = 407 |
0.24 | 118 | |
Vitex negundo L. SMH-513 (Vit-neg) |
Bana (P) Shimula (D) |
Leaves Stem |
Leaves are dried and powdered. | Leaves are used for febrifuge diuretic. (P) Stem is used as fuel wood in rural areas. (P) Leaves are also used as fodder * |
Least Concern | Dogra (N = 74) | 0.15 | 74 | |
Origanum vulgare L. SMH-522 (Ori-vul) |
Wan baber (K) Bail (D) |
Leaves | Leaves are shade dried. Leaves are also boiled in water for more than one hour and consumed. |
Leaves are used for promoting menstruation flow. (K) Leaves are also used to for bathing the ladies who have given birth to the new ones. (D) |
Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 51) Dogra (N = 55) |
0.19 | 95 | |
Liliaceae |
Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don SMH-451 (Fri-cir) |
Sheethkar (B) Ksheerkakoli (K) Pranik (K) |
Flowers | Flowers are shade dried and used with warm water. | Flower is used for treatment of asthma. * | Critically Endangered | Bakarwal (N = 40) Kashmiri (N = 68) |
0.22 | 108 |
Lauraceae |
Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl. SMH-521 (Cin-cam) |
Kafoor (K,G,P) | Whole plant | Dry plant is used. | Plant is used for timber and camphor. (P,G) Camphor is also used in the Muslim faith for bathing the deceased person. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 31) Pahari (N = 28) Kashmiri (N = 35) |
0.19 | 94 |
Lythraceae |
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz SMH-514 (Woo-fru) |
Khukni (D) Joiu (B) |
Flowers | Flowers are dried in the sun for more than 3 days. | Flowers are used for herbal tea *. | Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 55) Dogra (N = 46) |
0.20 | 101 |
Malvaceae |
Lavatera cachemiriana Cambess SMH-464 (Lav-cas) |
Saz posh (K) Junglisonchal (B) |
Leaves | Leaves are dried in the sun by covering with a fine cloth and then powdered and used with water. | Leaves are used as blood purifiers and to check amnesia. * | Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 52) Kashmiri (N = 51) |
0.21 | 103 |
Malva neglecta Wall. SMH-465 (Mal-neg) |
Jungalisoxal (B) GurSachal (G) Suchal (P) Sochaal (K) |
Leaves Seeds |
Leaves are cooked, and seeds are dried grinded to powder and used with water. | Leaves are cooked as food and powdered seeds are used as protein and fat supplements. * Used against weakness in cattle. (K,P) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 30) Bakarwal (N = 23) Kashmiri (N = 29) Pahari (N = 26) |
0.22 | 108 | |
Althaea officinalis L. SMH-520 (Alth-off) |
Sazposh (G) Khurposh (P) Pati (D) |
Leaves Flowers |
Fresh leaves are cooked, dried leaves are powdered and used with water. Flowers are shade dried. | Leaves are cooked as food and dried powdered leaves with water are used as gargle to treat mouth and throat ulcers. * In Muslim faith flowers are kept in water used in bathing the corpuses to perform last religious rituals before burial. (G,P) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 45) Dogr (N = 31) Pahari (N = 61) |
0.28 | 137 | |
Marsileaceae |
Marsilea minuta L. SMH-466 (Mar-min) |
Paflu (K) | Leaves Rhizome Petiole |
Leaves, rhizome, and petiole are dried, powdered and used with lukewarm water. | Leaves are used against cough, and bronchitis. (K) Petiole and rhizome are used against typhoid. (K) |
Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 68) | 0.14 | 68 |
Melanthiaceae |
Trillium govanianum Wall. ex D. Don SMH-509 (Tri-gov) |
Tripater (P) Satgandi (B) Tulhakh (G) |
Rhizomes Leaves |
Rhizomes are used raw and leaves are boiled and fried with spices. |
Raw rhizomes are used against skin irritation. (G) Leaves are used as vegetables. * |
Vulnerable | Gujjar (N = 23) Bakarwal (N = 12) Pahari (N = 34) |
0.16 | 69 |
Meliaceae |
Azadirachta indica A. Juss SMH-516 (Aza-ind) |
Neem (D, P) | Leaves | Fresh leaves are used. | Leaves are kept in wardrobe, used to protect the clothes from insect eating. (P) In Hindu faith leaves extracts are believed to heal gods, hence are also eaten raw. (D) |
Least Concern | Pahari (N = 57) Dogra (N = 50) |
0.22 | 107 |
Myrtaceae |
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels SMH-503 (Syz-cum) |
Jamun (G) Dhalla (D) |
Bark Fruit |
Juice is extracted from the bark by grinding then squeezing. | Bark juice is used for the treatment of liver disease and cancer. (G) Fruits are eaten raw. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 68) Dogra (N = 46) |
0.23 | 114 |
Ophioglossaceae |
Ophioglossum reticulatum L. SMH-470 (Oph-ret) |
Chonchur (B) Cokloiu (K) |
Young fronds | Cooked. | Young fronds are used as vegetables and salads. * | Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 50) Kashmiri (N = 84) |
0.27 | 134 |
Orchidaceae |
Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soó SMH-436 (Dac-hat) |
Salam Panja (G) Hathajari (P) |
Roots | Raw roots are used. | Roots are used as energy boosters, help in improving health, and are recommended for weak people. * Roots are also used as nerve tonic. (G) |
Critically Endangered | Gujjar (N = 57) Pahari (N = 68) |
0.25 | 125 |
Orobanchaceae |
Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don SMH-472 (Ped-sip) |
Singmarore (B) Phakchang (B) |
Flowers | Decoction. | Used to treat edema and urinary disorder. (B) | Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 61) | 0.12 | 61 |
Papaveraceae |
Corydalis govaniana Wall. SMH-432 (Cor-gov) |
Bhut Kesi (B) Bhutjata (P) Nakpo (P) |
Roots Flowers |
Roots are grinded and kept overnight then squeezed. Flowers are macerated in water for three days and then whole content is used. | Roots extracts are used as a tonic, antiperiodic. * Flowers are used against headaches. (P) |
Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 69) Pahari (N = 63) |
0.27 | 132 |
Phytolaccaceae |
Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. SMH-473 (Phy-aci) |
Chamchi- Pata (G) BrandHakh (B) Hapat makai (P) |
Seeds Leaves |
Seeds of the plant are boiled in water and then taken orally. Leaves are boiled and fried with spices |
Seeds are used to treat typhoid fever (G). Leaves are used as vegetables. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 29) Bakarwal (N = 33) Pahari (N = 43) |
0.21 | 105 |
Pinaceae |
Abies pindrow (Royle ex D. Don) Royle SMH-401 (Abi-pin) |
Baddul (K) Cheeda (G,P) Cheed (B) Yuldr (D) |
Stem Branches Bark |
Dried stem is used. Fresh branching is used. Dried bark is boiled in water for more than 30 min. | Stem is used as timber and branches are used for flooring/bedding in nomadic huts (G,B,P). Bark is used for herbal tea. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 23) Bakarwal (N = 34) Kashmiri (N = 15) Pahari (N = 22) Dogra (N = 19) |
0.19 | 95 |
Cedrus deodara G. Don SMH-428 (Ced-deo) |
Devdar (K) Deaar (G,P,B) Davdar (D) |
Stem Branches |
Both stem and branches are used in dry form. | Stem as timber and branches for fuel wood. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 22) Bakarwal (N = 25 Kashmiri (N = 23) Pahari (N = 25) Dogra (N = 18) |
0.23 | 113 | |
Picea smithiana (Wall.) Boiss SMH-474 (Pic-smi) |
Bunder (B) Budul (K) Budal (P) |
Stem Branches |
Dried stem and fresh branching are used. | Stem is used as timber (K, P) Branches are used for flooring/bedding in nomadic huts. (B) |
Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 35) Kashmiri (N = 29) Pahari (N = 36) |
0.20 | 100 | |
Pinus roxburghii Sarg. SMH-476 (Pin-rox) |
Chir (D) Chegai (B) Cheraa (G) |
Stem Seeds |
Dried raw seeds and stems are used. | Stem is used for furniture making, house building, and fuel wood. * Seeds are eaten raw. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 44) Bakarwal (N = 39) Dogra (N = 45) |
0.26 | 128 | |
Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jacks. SMH-477 (Pin-wal) |
Kayerd (B) Yaed (P) |
Stem Branches Leaves |
Leaves are cooked. Dry stems and branches are used. |
Stem is used as timber and branches as fuel wood. * Resin is used for healing wounds. * Leaves eaten as vegetable. (P) |
Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 67) Pahari (N = 66) |
0.27 | 133 | |
Plantaginaceae |
Digitalis purpurea L. SMH-439 (Dig-pur) |
Wopalhaakh (K) Dadid (B) |
Leaves | Fresh or dried leaves are boiled in water. | Leaves are used by women for bathing after delivery. * Used as cardio stimulants. (B) |
Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 38) Kashmiri (N = 46) |
0.17 | 84 |
Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. SMH-475 (Pic-kur) |
Hanglang (G) Kali (B) Heeng (P) |
Roots Flowers |
Decoction is obtained from roots and flowers. | Decoction from roots is used in asthmatic disorders, fever, and blood purification. (G) Flowers are used for malaria, biliousness, dropsy. * |
Critically Endangered (Endangered) | Gujjar (N = 35) Bakarwal (N = 22) Pahari (N = 48) |
0.21 | 105 | |
Plantago lanceolata L. SMH-478 (Pla-lan) |
Gul (K) Sabaz gul (G) Nuulgul (P) Neela (D) Cheekdei (B) |
Seeds Young leaves |
Seeds are dried and powdered and taken with lukewarm water. Young leaves are boiled and fried with spices. |
Seeds are used for soothing effect to mucus membranes of the intestine. * Young leaves are used as vegetables and fodder. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 21) Pahari (N = 25) Bakarwal (N = 35) Kashmiri (N = 19) Dogra (N = 12) |
0.23 | 112 | |
Plantago major L. SMH-479 (Pla-maj) |
Bud-gull (K) Sabze (B) Sarbenosh (P) Purfers (D) Kapdan (G) |
Leaves | Young leaves are boiled and cooked, meanwhile, paste is also made. | Leaves (paste) are applied on wounds, which stimulates tissue growth. * Young leaves are used as vegetables and fodder. (B) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 21) Bakarwal (N = 24) Kashmiri (N = 15) Pahari (N = 28) Dogra (N = 16) |
0.21 | 104 | |
Poaceae |
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. SMH-434 (Cyn-dac) |
Khabbal (P) Dramn (K) Nekgi (D) |
Roots | Juice is obtained by grinding and then squeezing. | Drinking the juice with an empty stomach in the morning is good for normalizing sugar level (hyperglycemia). * | Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 22) Pahari (N = 38) Dogra (N = 35) |
0.19 | 95 |
Stipa sibirica (L.) Lam. SMH-502 (Sti-sib) |
Gud Gass (G) Ka (P) |
Leaves | Fresh leaves are used | Used as fodder, flooring/bedding hut. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 31) Pahari (N = 44) |
0.15 | 75 | |
Polygonaceae |
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench SMH-449 (Fag-esc) |
Ogla (D) Kotu (K) |
Roots Leaves |
Leaves are cooked and decoction is made from roots. | Root decoction is used for rheumatic pains, lung problems (D). Leaves are used as vegetables. * |
Least Concern | Kashmiri (N = 47) Dogra (N = 38) |
0.17 | 85 |
Polygonum amplexicaule D. Don SMH-482 (Pol-amp) |
Adder (G) Maachran (B) Chai (P) |
Rhizomes Stem | Rhizomes and stem are dried and boiled in water for more than 20 min., meanwhile both are cooked also. | Underground rhizomes, leafy stems are used for making tea and vegetables. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 39) Bakarwal (N = 31) Pahari (N = 38) |
0.22 | 108 | |
Rheum moorcroftianum Royle SMH-487 (Rhe-moo) |
Archa (G) Lachuu (B) Revandchini (P) Saiy (K) |
Roots | Roots are dried and powdered and taken with lukewarm water. | Roots are used in mild constipation, stomach problems and muscular swellings. * | Critically Endangered (Vulnerable) | Gujjar (N = 21) Bakarwal (N = 26) Kashmiri (N = 39) Pahari (N = 27) |
0.23 | 113 | |
Rheum webbianum Royle SMH-488 (Rhe-web) |
Pambhak (K) Pambchalan (G,P) Pumush (B) |
Leaves Roots |
Leaves are dried and cooked. Roots are shade dried and powdered, mixed with water to form paste. |
Leaves are used as vegetables. * Root’s paste is applied to joints to get against pain. * |
Vulnerable | Gujjar (N = 32) Bakarwal (N = 25) Kashmiri (N = 31) Pahari (N = 35) |
0.25 | 123 | |
Rumex dentatus L SMH-491 (Rum-den) |
Abij (K) Abjee (P,G) Parsee (B) |
Leaves | Cooked. | Leaves are used as vegetables. * | Least Concern | Gujjar Bakarwal Kashmiri Pahari |
0.19 | 95 | |
Rumex nepalensis Spreng SMH-492 (Rum-nep) |
Junglipalak (K) Khembeer (B) Kushf (G) Kotre (P) |
Leaves | Leaves boiled and fried with spices. | Leaves are used as vegetables. * | Least Concern | Gujjar Bakarwal Kashmiri Pahari |
0.21 | 104 | |
Primulaceae |
Primula denticulata Sm. SMH-483 (Pri-den) |
Kalashdandi (B) Qulsu (K) |
Leaves | Leaves are sun dried powdered and taken with water. | Dried powdered leaves are used to cure headache and liver ailments. * | Least Concern | Bakarwal Kashmiri |
0.16 | 78 |
Pteridaceae |
Adiantum capillus-veneris L. SMH-409 (Adi-cap) |
Hanspadi (G,P) Tryee (B) Hand (K) Dumtuli (D) |
Whole plant | Whole plant ground to powder and taken with warm water. | Whole plant is used as diuretic, also used to get against cough and skin disease. * Young leaves are also used as food. (P) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 23) Bakarwal (N = 21) Kashmiri (N = 15) Pahari (N = 19) Dogra (N = 18) |
0.19 | 96 |
Pyronemataceae |
Geopora arenicola (Lév.) Kers. SMH-453 (Geo-are) |
Shajkan (K) Papdeyaan (P,G) Papdan (B) |
Fruiting body | Cooked | Whole fruit body is used as a vegetable. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 20) Bakarwal (N = 12) Kashmiri (N = 28) Pahari (N = 29) |
0.18 | 89 |
Ranunculaceae |
Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf ex Holmes SMH-404 (Aco-cha) |
Atis (B) Ponkar (P) |
Roots | Roots are dried grinded used with water. | Roots dried, grinded, used for the treatment of pulsating headaches. * | Critically Endangered | Bakarwal (N = 68) Pahari (N = 41) |
0.22 | 109 |
Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle SMH-405 (Aco-het) |
Patrees (B) Atees (G) |
Roots Leaves |
Dried powdered roots are used with water. Leaves are cooked. |
Roots with water are used to treat diarrhea and dysentery. * Leaves used as vegetables. (G) |
Critically Endangered | Bakarwal (N = 70) Gujjar (N = 63) |
0.27 | 133 | |
Aconitum violaceum Jacquem. ex Stapf SMH-406 (Aco-vio) |
Dudhia (B) Atees (G) Dudhi mohra (G) |
Leaves | Cooked | Leaves are used as vegetables. * | Vulnerable | Bakarwal (N = 66) Gujjar (N = 63) |
0.26 | 129 | |
Actaea spicata L. SMH-408 (Act-spi) |
Bhilar (B) | Roots | Decoction | Decoction is used as nervine sedative emetic and purgative. * | Least concern | Bakarwal (N = 71) | 0.17 | 71 | |
Anemone tschernjaewii Regel SMH-415 (Ane-tsc) |
Rattanjogh (G) Belhar (B) Boi (P) |
Rhizome | Rhizome is grinded and taken with goat milk. | Rhizome is used for treatment of acidity and joint pain. * | Least concern | Gujjar (N = 30) Bakarwal (N = 21) Pahari (N = 44) |
0.19 | 95 | |
Rhamnaceae |
Ziziphus jujube Mill. SMH-516 (Ziz-juj) |
Ber (G) Beree (B) Singli (D) |
Fruits Leaves |
Fruits are dried in the sun for more than a week. | Dried fruits are eaten raw and used to treat irritability, insomnia, and heart palpitations. * Leaves are used as fodder. * |
Least concern | Gujjar (N = 36) Bakarwal (N = 31) Dogra (N = 32) |
0.20 | 99 |
Rosaceae |
Crataegus songarica K. Koch SMH-433 (Cra-son) |
Ring kol (K) Reng (P) |
Fruits Leaves |
Fruits and leaves are taken as raw. | Fruits (berries) are used for cardiac insufficiency. (K) Raw leaves are used as antioxidants. * |
Least concern | Kashmiri (N = 77) Pahari (N = 17) |
0.19 | 94 |
Fragaria nubicola Lindl. ex Hook. f. SMH-450 (Fra-nub) |
Lacaita (B) Yangtaesh (G) Ingresh, (K) Rengresh (K) Ishtabur (P) |
Fruits Leaves |
Fruits are taken as raw, also squeezed through a fine mesh to obtain ink. | Fruits are eaten raw to improve digestion, anemia, treat tongue blemish and profuse menstruation. (G) The sap of fruits is locally used as ink by spiritual healers to write scrolls and amulets. * Leaves are used as fodder. * |
Least concern | Gujjar (N = 25) Bakarwal (N = 19) Kashmiri (N = 21) Pahari (N = 24) |
0.18 | 89 | |
Prunus cornuta (Wall. ex Royle) Steud SMH-485 (Pru-cor) |
Chuli (G,P,B) Cabt (K) |
Leaves Stem |
Leaves are used fresh and stem in dry form. | Leaves are used as fodder and stem as fuel wood. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 21) Bakarwal (N = 18) Kashmiri (N = 31) Pahari (N = 38) |
0.22 | 108 | |
Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don SMH-486 (Pyr-pas) |
Kainth (G,B) Batangi (D) |
Fruits Leaves Stem |
Fruits and leaves are used raw. Stem is used in dry form. | Fruits used for conjunctivitis and diarrhea. * Leaves are used as fodder and stem as fuel wood. (G) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 41) Bakarwal (N = 37) Dogra (N = 33) |
0.21 | 111 | |
Rutaceae |
Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. SMH-469 (Mur-koe) |
Drainkru (G) Gandhla (B) Goi (D) |
Tender leaves | Raw tender leaves are used. | Tender leaves are eaten in diarrhea and dysentery. (G) And young leaves are used as food. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 29) Bakarwal (N = 34) Dogra (N = 32) |
0.19 | 95 |
Skimmia laureola Franch. SMH-501 (Ski-lau) |
Butputer (G,P) Naer (B) |
Whole plant | Decoction is made from leaves. Bark is dried and powdered. | Bark is used for the healing of burns and wounds by applying topically. * Decoction of leaves are used for the treatment of headache. (G) | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 29) Bakarwal (N = 38) Pahari (N = 42) |
0.22 | 109 | |
Aegle marmelos (L.) Corrêa SMH-514 (Aeg-mar) |
Bel patra (D) Bail pata (G) |
Fruits Leaves |
Eaten raw. | Fresh and dried fruits are eaten. * Leaves are used to praise the deity Lord Shiva in Hinduism. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 54) Dogra (N = 31) |
0.17 | 85 | |
Zanthoxylum armatum DC SMH-515 (Zan-arm) |
Maratch (B) Mesrgh (D) Mreci (G) |
Whole plant | Fruits, seeds, and bark are sun dried and taken with water. | Fruits, seeds, and bark are used as aromatic tonic in dyspepsia and fever. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 38) Bakarwal (N = 41) Dogra (N = 35) |
0.23 | 114 | |
Santalaceae |
Santalum album L. SMH-518 (San-alb) |
Sandali (P) Chanadan (D) |
Branches | Fresh pieces are used. | Small pieces of branches are kept in houses in pockets for fragrance. * In Hinduism Santalum album is known to be sacred. (P) |
Vulnerable | Dogra (N = 55) Pahari (N = 58) |
0.23 | 113 |
Salicaceae |
Salix denticulate Andersson SMH-494 (Sal-den) |
Jungaliyeed (K) Chede (P,G) Roster (D) Yeeri (B) |
Twigs Leaves Stem |
Fresh leaves and twigs are used. Stems are used when dry. | A brush made of twig is rubbed gently around the teeth and gums to relieve toothache. (K) Leaves used as fodder and stems as fuel wood. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 21) Bakarwal (N = 25) Kashmiri (N = 33) Pahari (N = 17) Dogra (N = 28) |
0.25 | 124 |
Salix alba L. SMH-493 (Sal-alb) |
Beenso (G) Yeed (K) Yeer (B) Yekdi (P) Pasti (D) |
Twigs Leaves Stem |
Fresh leaves and twigs are used. Stems are used when dry. Leaves are boiled in water for more than one hour. |
A brush made of twig is rubbed gently around the teeth and gums to relieve toothache and also for tooth cleaning. * Leaves used as fodder, and stems as fuel wood, also used to bath newborn babies to protect them from the different infection. (P.G) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 16) Bakarwal (N = 19) Kashmiri (N = 37) Pahari (N = 31) Dogra (N = 25) |
0.26 | 128 | |
Sapindaceae |
Acer caesium Wall. ex Brandis SMH-402 (Ace-cae) |
Gansu (G) Kaind (K) Kanda (P) |
Stem Leaves |
Dried stem and fresh leaves are used. | Stem and branches are used as fuel wood and leaves as fodder. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 23) Kashmiri (N = 18) Pahari (N = 24) |
0.13 | 65 |
Aesculus indica (Wall. ex Cambess.) Hook. SMH-110 (Aes-ind) |
Goon (B) Haandoon (K) Khanor (P) |
Seeds Leaves Stem Branches |
Seeds are dried and grinded. Raw leaves are used. Stem are used when dry. | Seeds are also used to make flour. (P) Leaves are used as fodder. * Stem and branches are used as fuel wood. * |
Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 27) Kashmiri (N = 21) Pahari (N = 31) |
0.16 | 79 | |
Saxifragaceae |
Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb SMH-422 (Ber-cil) |
Palfut (B) Zakhmehayat (K) Zakheyat (P) |
Leaves Rhizomes |
Leaves are cooked, sometimes dried. Rhizomes are dried, powdered and used along with water. | Leaves are used as food. * Rhizomes are used in treatment of kidney stones. * Leaves are used for making herbal tea. (P) |
Vulnerable | Bakarwal (N = 45) Kashmiri (N = 31) Pahari (N = 52) |
0.27 | 128 |
Bergenia stracheyi (Hook. f. and Thomson) Engl SMH-423 (Ber-str) |
Sapdotri (G) Katkotar (B) Daindap (K) Mutre (P) |
Root bark | Root barks are grinded and meshed to obtain an extract. | Extracts of root bark are used in treating eye problems. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 31) Bakarwal (N = 21) Kashmiri (N = 24) Pahari (N = 43) |
0.24 | 119 | |
Scrophulariaceae |
Verbascum thapsus L. SMH-511 (Ver-tha) |
Gamhar (G) Jungli tamook (P) |
Seeds Flowers |
Raw seeds are mixed with gee and fried. Fresh flowers are used. | Raw seeds are eaten. (G) Flowers are used in herbal tea. * |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 41) Pahari (N = 53) |
0.19 | 94 |
Solanaceae |
Datura stramonium L. SMH-438 (Dat-str) |
Datur (K) Kudle (P,G) Keetr (D) |
Seeds ruits |
Sun-dried seeds are powdered. Seeds extracts are obtained by boiling seeds in water for more than one hour. |
Sun-dried seed powder is used to cure cough. (K) Seeds extracts (Sharbat) is made along with other herbs like Rheum webbianum, Artemisia absinthium, Origanum vulgare, Prunella vulgaris, Arnebia benthamii, Viola odorata, for pregnant mothers Same extracts (Sharbat) is given to COVID-19 patients to get relief from chest and throat problems. (K, P, G) Fruits are used to worship Lord Shiva in Hinduism. (D) |
Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 23) Kashmiri (N = 19) Pahari (N = 24) Dogra (N = 32) |
0.20 | 98 |
Hyoscyamus niger L. SMH-455 (Hyo-nig) |
Van tamok (G) Bazarbhang (B) Bhnag (P) |
Seeds | Seeds are sun dried and powdered, used with water. | Seeds are used for digestive, diaphoretic, itching and skin disorders. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 31) Bakarwal (N = 28) Pahari (N = 35) |
0.19 | 94 | |
Taxaceae |
Taxus wallichiana Zucc. SMH-505 (Tax-wal) |
Bririmi (K) Postul (B) |
Bark Branches |
Bark is dried and boiled in water for more than 20 min. | Branches are used for flooring/bedding huts. * Bark is used to make tea. (B) |
Critically Endangered | Bakarwal (N = 66) Kashmiri (N = 47) |
0.23 | 113 |
Urticaceae |
Urtica dioica L. SMH-510 (Urt-wal) |
Soi (K) Chichru (P,G) Kandyari (D) |
Seeds | Seeds are dried and powdered and mixed with water and taken orally. | Seeds are used as hair tonic and growth stimulants. * | Least Concern | Gujjar (N = 42) Kashmiri (N = 15) Pahari (N = 37) Dogra (N = 29) |
0.25 | 123 |
Ulmaceae |
Ulmus wallichiana Planch. SMH-519 (Ulm-wal) |
Bran (K) Peeraval bota (P,G) |
Stem Leaves |
Dried stems and fresh leaves are used. | Stem is used as firewood and leaves are used as fodder. * Stem is also kept in homes to protect from the evil eye. (K) | Vulnerable | Gujjar (N = 30) Kashmiri (N = 43) Pahari (N = 17) |
0.18 | 90 |
Violaceae |
Viola odorata L. SMH-512 (Vio-odo) |
Billar (B) Banafsha (K) Gunafech (D) |
Leaves | Cooked. | Leaves are used as vegetables. * | Least Concern | Bakarwal (N = 29) Kashmiri (N = 18) Dogra (N = 42) |
0.18 | 89 |
(*) is used for all ethnic groups corresponding to the particular plant in the row. Abbreviations: Gujjar (G), Bakarwal (B), Kashmiri (K), Pahari (P), Dogra (D).