A) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) shows the distribution of the three major ectodermal lineages in D7 neuruloid: neural ectoderm (NE, blue), neural crest (NC, red), and epidermis (E, yellow). NA (gray) labels a cell population that was not identified. (
B) Violin plots quantify the expression of key ectodermal lineage makers:
PAX6 identifies neural ectoderm (NE),
SOX10 identifies NC, and
KRT18 identifies epidermis (E).(
C) Violin plots quantify the expression of three representative YAP target genes in the three main ectodermal lineages from scRNA-seq analysis of D7 neuruloids. (
D) An analysis of differential gene expression from scRNA-seq data confirms the greater expression of several YAP target genes (red) in epidermis compared to the remainder of the D7 neuruloid. (
E) An analysis of differential gene expression from scRNA-seq data for whole D7 neuruloids shows downregulation of YAP target genes (red) in HD neuruloids with respect to that in WT neuruloids. (
F) Violin plots show the expression of three representative YAP target genes in the three lineage clusters from D7 WT and HD neuruloids: NC (red), NE (blue), epidermis (E, yellow), and unidentified (NA, white). (
G) Gene-set enrichment analysis of YAP target genes reveals reduced YAP activity in D7 HD neuruloids in NE and NC, but not in epidermis. An opposite pattern pertains in less mature D4 neuruloids. The relevant statistics appear in
Figure 5—figure supplement 7. HD, Huntington’s Disease.