FYLGYCDY peptide properties.
Synthesized peptides | Solubility in watera | Hydrophobicityb (%) | Potential biological activityd | Toxicity prfile (SVM score)c | Sensory characteristics |
FYLGYCDY | Poor | 25.0 | GY (ACE inhibitor and DPP IV inhibitor), FY (ACE inhibitor), LG (ACE inhibitor), DY (ACE inhibitor), YL (neuropeptide, DPP IV inhibitor and DPP-III inhibitor), LGY (immune-stimulating), LGY (regulating), YLGY (ACE inhibitor and antioxidative) | Non-toxic (−0.44) | GY (bitter), LG (bitter), FY (bitter), DY (bitter), YL (bitter) |
Solubility data for the peptide comes from the Innovagen server (http://www.innovagen.com/proteomics-tools).
Peptide properties were calculated using the Peptide 2.0 server (http://www.peptide2.com).
Analysis of the peptide toxicity was performed using the ToxinPred server (http://crdd.osdd.net/raghava/toxinpred/).
Sensory attributes and potential biological properties of the peptide are obtained from the BIOPEP database (http://www.uwm.edu.pl/biochemia/index.php/en/biopep).