Fig. 4.
Stochastic single cell heterogeneity within clonally grown ITSC-culture. A: Schematic view on heterogeneous protein amounts between single ITSCs in the same clonal culture. B: RT-PCR revealing transcriptional heterogeneity of clonally grown ITSCs regarding the expression of NCSC-markers Nestin, Slug, Snail and Twist. C, E, G, I: Representative images of immunocytochemical stainings showing heterogeneity of Nestin, S100, Slug and NF-κB-p65 proteins between single ITSCs present in the same clonally grown culture. D, F, H, J: Quantification of immunocytochemical stainings via measurement of the single cell or single nuclear fluorescence intensity showing the stochastic variability in Nestin, S100, Slug and NF-κB-p65 protein amounts in clonally grown ITSCs