Fig. 2. KEAP1 regulates ferroptosis sensitivity through FSP1.
a Gene ontology analysis revealed ubiquinol synthesis pathway enrichment in KEAP1 mutant LUAD tumors. b Western blot analysis of KEAP1, NRF2, DHODH, and FSP1 protein levels in H1299 KEAP1 KO and H23 KEAP1 KO cells. c Western blot analysis of KEAP1, NRF2, and FSP1 protein levels in H1299 KEAP1 FSP1 DKO cells. d, e Cell death analysis of H1299 KEAP1 FSP1 DKO cells treated with RSL3 (d) and ML162 (e). f, g Cell death analysis of cotreatment of RSL3 (f) or ML162 (g) with iFSP1 in H1299 KEAP1 KO cells. h Ubiquinone/ubiquinol (CoQ/CoQH2) ratio in H1299 KEAP1 FSP1 DKO cells. i–l Cell death analysis of H1299 KEAP1 KO cells (i, j) and H23 KEAP1 KO cells (k, l) cotreated with RSL3 + 4-CBA or ML162 + 4-CBA. Data were presented as (if mentioned otherwise) mean ± SD; n = 3. P value was determined by two-way ANOVA; ns not significant. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.