Inhibition of HSP90 results in FGAMS aggregation.A, HSP90 inhibition by STA9090 resulted in the aggregation of FGAMS-mCherry over 2 h. The scale bar for inset represents 1 μm. B, the percentage of cells showing FGAMS granules as a function of time. Data represent mean ± standard deviation, N = 3. C, roughly half of these FGAMS-mCherry aggregates displayed a more irregular morphology (inset, ROI 1) when compared with the purinosome morphology in purine-depleted HeLa cells (DMSO, inset ROI). The scale bar for insets represents 1 μm. Distributions were generated from roundness calculations of 262 purinosomes and 1146 STA9090-induced granules. D, HeLa cells transiently expressing mTq2-ADSL did not aggregate upon HSP90 inhibition. E, the percentage of cells showing ADSL granules as a function of time. Data represent mean ± standard deviation, N = 3. F, purine-depleted HeLa cells coexpressing FGAMS-mCherry and mTq2-ADSL did not cocluster upon STA9090 treatment. The scale bar for inset represents 1 μm. DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; FGAMS, formylglycinamidine ribonucleotide synthase; HSP90, heat shock protein 90 kDa; mTq2-ADSL, mTurquoise2-ADSL; ROI, region of interest.