The area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic curve
(AUROC) for GTP (A), GDP (B), IMP (C),
and Xanthine (D). (A) GTP presented at a cut-off value
of >2.780 µM (indicated by arrowhead) a sensitivity of 66.67%, and
100% of specificity (AUROC: 0.841, p = 0.0237, 95% CI, CL
(Confidence Levels): 62.26% to 99.53%, Youden Index (YI) for >2.780
µM = 0.667). CSF GDP (B), IMP (C) and xanthine
(D) levels presented AUROC with lower predictive value
(p > 0.05). Arrowheads indicate the optimal cut-off
point indicated by the Youden criteria, followed by the respective Youden Index
(YI) obtained, presented within parenthesis. (Survival n =11 patients,
Non-Survival n=6 patients)