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. 2022 Apr 23;14(4):e24427. doi: 10.7759/cureus.24427

Table 2. Proportion of patients with hemoglobin improvement rate over time.

EPO: Erythropoietin. Hb: Hemoglobin. OR: Odds Ratio. N: Effective Size. M: Month

  ROXADUSTAT EPO Total OR (IC 95%) P-value
Increase of Hb (g/dl) n=53 (%) n=53 (%) N=106 (%)    
≥ 0.75 after M1 24 (61.5) 15 (38.5) 39 (36.8) 2.1 (0.93-4.75) 0.050
≥ 0.75 after M2 33 (57.9) 24 (42.1) 57 (53.8) 1.99 (0.91-4.36) 0.060
≥ 0.75 after M3 39 (63.9) 22 (36.1) 61 (57.5) 3.93 (1.72-9.01) 0.000
≥ 0.75 after M6 36 (54.5) 30 (45.5) 66 (62.3) 1.62 (0.73-3.62) 0.160