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. 2022 Apr 11;13:866352. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.866352

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics and postoperative course of 12 patients with prodromal phase iNPH.

No. Age Sex OP Fall count IGD TUG (s) Diagnostic trigger High performance activity (duration) MMSE/FAB preOP MMSE/FAB after 1 year MMSE/FAB after 4/3 years Antidepressant preOP/postOP Antidementia drug preOP/postOP
1 65 M VP 0 10.8 AVIM Following Bamboo flute (4y-) 30/16 30/16 29/15 Aripiprazole/none None/none
2 63 M LP 0 11.3 MRI for dementia Dx none 28/13 28/16 25/11 Aripiprazole/none None/none
3 74 M VP 4 + 8.0 CT at fall President(4y-), Golf(2y) 28/16 26/16 28/14 None/none None/none
4 72 M VP 1 + 9.9 AVIM Following President(2y), Golf(4y-) 27/16 27/18 24/17 None/none None/Rivastigmine
5 86 M VP 2 + 11.6 MRI for dementia Dx Karaoke(4y-) 29/14 28/14 24/13 None/none None/none
6 77 M LP 1 11.2 MRI for dementia Dx Pilgrimage(1y) 27/12 22/11 21/12 None/none None/donepezil
7 71 M LP 1 + 8.4 MRI for dementia Dx Gym(4y-) 26/11 29/13 27/NA Maprotiline/none None/none
8 77 M LP 1 + 10.7 MRI for PD Dx Flower Photography Blog(4y-) 26/14 28/17 27/15 None/none None/none
9 68 M LP 1 + 13.2 CT at fall none 25/13 27/16 29/11 None/none None/none
10 75 M LP 2 + 11.5 CT at fall Golf(4y-), Travel(4y-) 26/13 28/17 30/NA None/none None/none
11 74 F LP 1 + 10.4 AVIM Following Japanese Harp Master(4y-) 26/14 28/14 26/14 None/none Donepezil/none
12 78 F LP 0 11.9 MRI for dementia Dx Chorus(3y), Gym(3y) 28/17 29/14 26/NA None/none none/none

Fall count and IGD represent the number of falls and the presence of intermittent gait disturbance (IGD) before surgery. The 4y- in duration means more than 4 years.

INPHGS, iNPH grading scale; IGD, intermittent gait disturbance; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; FAB, frontal assessment battery; LP, lumbo-peritoneal; VP, ventriculo-peritoneal; AVIM, asymptomatic ventriculomegaly with features of iNPH on MRI; PD, Parkinson's disease; Dx, diagnosis.