Figure 5.
HTR1A interact TRIM21 and PSMD7 to inhibit the degradation of TβRII. a) The half‐life of TβRII was shorter in HTR1A overexpression cells treated with CHX. b) The expression level of TβRII was effectively rescued after MG132 treatment. c) The TβRII‐binding ubiquitin level in HTR1A overexpression cells was significantly higher. d) The protein bands interacted with HTR1A was detected by co‐IP and silver staining specific experiments. e,f) The interaction between HTR1A and proteins were verified by Co‐IP and confocal microscopy. g) TRIM21 and PSMD7 were crucial in HTR1A‐mediated TGF‐β pathway. h) The interaction of HTR1A with TRIM21 and PSMD7 was not affected by short‐truncated mutations of HTR1A intracellular regions.