Glasgow Coma Scale Motor score (black), ASYMrBF (red), and |ΔrBFMAP| vs. MAP from the day of maximum ASYMrBF for subject 1 (A,C,E) and subject 11 (B,D,F) during their monitoring periods. (A) Subject 1, defined as non-comatose, displayed a constant GCS-Motor score of 6 while (B) subject 11, defined as comatose, varied between 1 and 4. ASYMrBF data is shown for (C) subject 1 and (D) subject 11. The shaded region marked by the asterisk (*) denotes the maximum ASYMrBF value that was chosen for each subject. | ΔrBFMAP| of the gray shaded region shown in (C,D) is shown for (E) subject 1 and (F) subject 11. BFI data for day 3 of subject 11 was discarded due to low SNR thus ASYMrBF was not calculated.