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. 2022 Apr 25;20:132. doi: 10.1186/s12957-022-02564-8

Table 1.

The clinical and histopathological features of 23 cases

Case sex Age (years) Group # Ki67 SP70 Macroscopic type Location Size (mm) Treatment Pigment (/HPF) Mitosis Cellular atypia Invasion depth Vascular invasion Ulcer Follow up
1. M 38 A 1% + Protruding Fundus 6 Biopsy+polypectomy Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
2. F 57 A 2% + Protruding Corpus 6 Polypectomy Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
3. F 54 A 5% Protruding Corpus 6 Polypectomy Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
4. F 59 unclassified 5% Superficial elevated Corpus 7 Surgery Absent 1 Moderate Mu Absent Absent NED
5. F 80 A 2% Protruding Fundus 6 Polypectomy Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
6. M 64 A 5% Protruding Corpus 5 Biopsy+ESD Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
7. F 67 A 5% Protruding Corpus 5 EMR Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
8. M 71 A 2% Superficial elevated Corpus 15 ESD Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
9. M 68 A 5% Superficial flat Corpus 5 ESD Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
10. M 51 unclassified 5% Superficial elevated Fundus 15 Proximal gastrectomy Absent 1 Moderate Mu Absent Absent NED
11. F 66 A 2% Protruding Corpus 6 Biopsy Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
12. M 73 A 5% + Protruding Corpus 10 ESD Absent 0 Mild Mu Absent Absent NED
13. M 60 B 10% + Protruding Corpus 10 ESD Absent 0 Mild SM1(110μm) Absent Absent NED
14. M 37 C 1% Superficial flat Corpus 8 ESD Absent 1 Mild to moderate SM1(363μm) Present Absent NED
15. M 71 C 8% + Protruding Fundus 20 EMR Absent 2 Moderate SM1(134μm) Absent Absent NED
16. F 54 B 5% + Submucosal tumor Fundus 5 Proximal gastrectomy Absent 0 Mild SM1(235μm) Absent Absent NED
17. M 56 C 60% Submucosal tumor Fundus 15 ESD+total gastrectomy Present 1 Marked SM2(597μm) Absent Absent NED
18. M 63 B 10% Protruding Fundus 5 ESD Absent 0 Mild SM1(100μm) Absent Absent NED
19. M 45 B 10% Superficial elevated Fundus 6 ESD Absent 0 Mild SM1(159μm) Absent Absent NED
20. M 55 B 2% Superficial elevated Corpus 15 ESD Present 0 Mild SM1(150μm) Absent Absent NED
21. F 74 B 2% Superficial elevated Corpus 6 ESD Absent 0 Mild SM1(100μm) Absent Absent NED
22. F 60 B 2% Superficial elevated Fundus 8 ESD Absent 0 Mild to moderate SM2(1500μm) Absent Absent NED
23. M 71 C 15% Infiltrative ulcerative Corpus 20 Biopsy+total gastrectomy Absent 4 Marked Subserosa Present Present 12*

M male, F female, Mu mucosal, SM submocosal, ESD endoscopic submucosal dissection, EMR endoscopic mucosal resection, HPF per high-power field, NED no evidence of disease. *Lost to follow-up after 12 months. #Grouped by Tetsuo Ushiku’s research mentioned in reference [5]. Group A: intramucosal tumor with typical histologic features; Group B: submucosal invasive tumor with typical histologic features; Group C: submucosal invasive tumor with atypical histologic features