Figure 2.
Graphical representation of the study design. First, we examined the total effect of the URT microbiome during RSV ARI in infancy on the acute local immune response (path X→M) and on short- and long-term clinical outcomes (all paths X→Y). Based on our results and those of our prior studies showing an effect of the acute local immune on short- and long-term clinical outcomes (path M→Y), we the used a causal mediation framework to assess whether the effect of the URT microbiome during RSV ARI on short- and long-term clinical outcomes (all paths X→Y) could be explained —at least in part— by the acute local immune response (path X→M→Y [indirect effect]). Our causal mediation models also took into account the interaction between the exposure and the mediator (X and M, respectively). Definition of abbreviations: ARI = Acute respiratory infection, RSV = Respiratory syncytial virus, URT = Upper respiratory tract.